Tour de Kulonprogo I: Agro Wisata Kusuma Wanadri

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Agro Wisata Kusuma Wanadri terletak di Pantai Glagah, Kulonprogo. Kebun yang berada persis di pinggir pantai ini dikelola oleh Romo Dr. Paulus Tribarta Budiharjo M.Th. MM. Dan di areal yang tak kuketahui luasnya, ditanam buah naga, roselle, tanaman obat, dan beberapa jenis bunga dalam pot. Di areal ini juga terdapat beberapa jenis satwa (biawak, bekantan, kakak tua, dll) yang diletakkan dalam kandang, warung kecil, restorant, rumah yang sepertinya sebuah kantor, dan kolam renang.

Warung kecil yang ada disitu menjual beragam kebutuhan sehari-hari, seperti sabun mandi, shampoo dan obat-obatan ringan. Selain itu juga produk-produk agrowisata yang bisa dibeli untuk oleh-oleh; buah naga, sirup buah naga, teh roselle, sirup roselle, obat-obatan dari ramuan tradisional, dan es roselle. Kami sempat membeli dua gelas es roselle. Segelas plastik harganya cuma Rp 1000,- Seduhan kelopak bunga roselle yang telah diberi gula dan ditambah es batu. Rasanya segar dan enak. Aku pikir minuman ini cocok jika dibuat softdrink dengan penambahan soda, seperti layaknya coca cola, selain menyegarkan, roselle mempunyai berbagai manfaat penyembuhan.

Memasuki areal kebun, kami membayar retribusi sebesar Rp 1000,- per orang. Retribusi dibayarkan di warung kecil yang juga pintu masuk ke kebun. Kami berjalan begitu saja dan tak seorang pun staf agrowisata yang menemani kami. Hingga ketika hendak bertanya aku kembali ke warung tersebut menemui laki-laki yang duduk disana.
"Pak, buahnya boleh dipetik gak?"
"Itu udah ada tulisannya mbak, gak boleh memetik." Jawabnya sambil menunjukkan papan tulisan larangan.
"Oh, iya... ya sudah, maaf, saya tadi gak baca itu."

SAtu pertanyaan lain terlontar dariku, namun agaknya laki-laki yang ada di situ enggan menjawab pertanyaanku. Malah asyik bercakap dengan temannya. Akhirnya tanpa banyak bicara aku membalikkan badan dan kembali memasuki areal kebun. "Kasihan deh gue, pertanyaanku gak dijawab. Dicuekiii..."

Mengelilingi kebun obat, di tiap tanaman terdapat tulisan yang menerangkan nama dan kegunaannya. Moko menyahut, "Nah, ini kan udah ada tulisannya, jadi biar gak perlu tanya-tanya lagi." Hahaha... bener juga, tapi tetep ada yang gak bisa dijawab oleh tulisan di tiap tanaman. Banyak informasi lain yang bisa disampaikan jika ada guide di kebun tersebut.

Kami tak mampir ke restaurant. Review tentangnya di milis JS tidak terlalu menarik. Apalagi kami sudah merencanakan makan siang di Seafood Yu Sum, Pantai Congot, sebelah timur Pantai Glagah.

Tak banyak foto yang kubuat (dan akhirnya rada menyesal) di kebun tersebut. Tak ada foto kebun tanaman obat, tanaman hias, rumah kantor, restaurant, dan pantai. Siang itu rasa tubuhku agak lemes setelah perjalanan Solo - Sleman - Kulonprogo dalam cuaca yang panas. Sementara pagi hari aku hanya sarapan sepotong pudding dan secangkir kopi.

Waktu bergulir, dan kami melanjutkan perjalanan ke Congot, setelah ngadem diantara rerimbunan tanaman obat.


Melirik Potensi Geowisata di Gunung Kidul

WONOSARI – Tiap musim kemarau tiba, Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) jadi langganan berita. Pelbagai media selalu menyoroti persoalan kekeringan yang melanda daerah tandus ini. Di balik cerita sedih itu, daerah seluas 148,506 ha–sekitar 46,62 persen dari luas seluruh DIY, ternyata menyimpan potensi pariwisata. Salah satunya, potensi geowisata di kawasan karst. Sayang, potensi ini belum digarap maksimal.

Bila Anda sempat jalan-jalan ke Gunung Kidul, pasti kesan yang pertama ditangkap adalah kering dan meranggas. Dengan matahari yang terasa dekat di kepala, tanah yang ada terlihat pecah-pecah. Lebih-lebih begitu melihat tumbuhan yang hidup—didominasi oleh pohon jati –-tak menampakkan lembaran daun di ujung batangnya.
”Ini memang ciri khas kawasan karst. Daerahnya kering dengan dominasi bukit-bukit kapur. Memang terasa panas waktu musim kering,” kata Hendy S. – geolog yang bekerja untuk Balai Konservasi Candi Borobudur. Obrolan pengisi waktu dalam perjalanan menuju Gua Lawa, Kecamatan Ponjong, Gunung Kidul tiba-tiba berkembang menjadi ide cerita yang menarik.
Ia lalu menunjuk pohon-pohon jati yang kelihatan tinggal batang kering itu. ”Pohon-pohon itu bukannya mati, tetapi itu usaha mereka untuk mengurangi penguapan air. Pohon jati salah satu pohon yang cocok hidup di kawasan seperti ini.”
Walau daerah ini terasa kering, Hendy percaya betul dengan potensi yang dimilikinya. Kawasan karst di Gunung Kidul bisa dikembangkan menjadi objek wisata. Tinggal sekarang, apakah para pihak (stakeholder) siap untuk memajukan semua itu. ”Peluangnya cukup bagus kok,” tegas pria ramah ini.

Belum Maksimal
Sunarto, Kepala Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Gunung Kidul mengatakan bahwa kawasan karst yang membentang di wilayah Gunung Kidul merupakan potensi wisata yang belum tergarap maksimal. Sumber daya karst yang termasuk Pegunungan Sewu itu punya nilai estetika dan sifat multiaspek, semua cabang pengetahuan dapat diaplikasikan di sini.
Kalau dilihat lebih jauh, pemanfaatan gua sebagai aset geowisata adalah salah satu celah untuk mengembangkan potensi wisata Gunung Kidul. Lebih jauh, Sunarto menyebutkan bahwa daerah yang terkenal dengan gaplek itu masih menyimpan banyak objek dan daya tarik pariwisata. Jualannya bisa dari keindahan pantai, kawasan perbukitan, hutan dan pegunungan karst.
Dari sisi wisata budaya, Gunung Kidul juga bisa dikedepankan. Sebut saja gua-gua bersejarah yang menyimpan segudang peninggalan masa lampau sampai aneka kesenian tradisional khas lokal. ”Daerah ini juga punya aset kerajinan yang juga merupakan aset bagi pengembangan pariwisata,” tandas Sunarto dalam sarasehan ”Pengembangan Peranserta Masyarakat dalam Pelestarian dan Pemanfaatan Gua-gua Bersejarah di Gunung Kidul”, beberapa waktu lalu di Gunung Kidul.
Sunarto pun berharap Gunung Kidul mampu melakukan diversifikasi produk-produk wisata tersebut. Ini sudah lumrah, katanya, saat ini persaingan makin ketat di antara daerah-daerah tujuan wisata. Belum lagi harus bersaing secara regional, misalnya dengan negara-negara ASEAN.
Geowisata bisa dijadikan contoh diversifikasi produk wisata. Apalagi melihat potensi alam Gunung Kidul yang amat mendukung. Dari situ pula bisa dikembangkan wisata minat khusus dan wisata petualangan yang berorientasi pada keindahan alam.
Kata Sunarto, geowisata punya aspek positif dalam pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan kawasan karst Pegunungan Sewu. Salah satunya sebagai usaha perlindungan kawasan karst dari penurunan nilai-nilai ilmiah akibat pertambangan yang berlebihan. Di sisi lain, usaha menjual gua tadi mampu menambah pundi-pundi kas daerah dan masyarakat.

Gua Bersejarah
Tak beda dengan Sunarto, Hanang Samodra – peneliti dan pemerhati Lingkungan Karst dan Gua dari Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Bandung – setuju dengan pemanfaatan karst Gunung Kidul sebagai objek wisata. Terlebih lagi gua-gua yang ada di perut daerah ini mengandung nilai budaya yang tinggi.
Sekadar mengingatkan, di kawasan karst Pegunungan Seribu terdapat sejumlah gua yang masuk kategori gua bersejarah. Gua alami ini terbukti pernah menjadi pusat kegiatan di masa lalu. Peninggalan masa lalu tadi yang selalu dicari para peneliti. Sebab dari sini bisa disibak keberadaan manusia prasejarah yang pernah tinggal di suatu wilayah, perkembangan budayanya dan proses interaksinya dengan lingkungan alam di sekitarnya. Dengan batasan tersebut, gua-gua tadi juga dikelompokkan sebagai gua arkeologi. ”Gua di kawasan karst Gunung Sewu yang termasuk gua arkeologi adalah Gua Braholo, Song Gupuh, Song Keplek dan Gua Tabuhan,” sebut Hanang.
Sebagai suatu objek wisata yang bersifat ilmiah populer, lanjut Hanang, tentu saja gua arkeologi itu tetap punya nilai jual. Pasarnya bisa dibagi jadi dua, wisatawan umum dan wisatawan minat khusus. ”Ini tergantung dengan materi yang ingin disampaikan,” ujar Ketua Komisi Kars Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia.
Penyampai materi adalah pemandu wisata. Sang pemandu bisa berlatar belakang ilmiah ataupun masyarakat lokal yang sudah mengikuti pelatihan secara khusus. Hanya saja yang perlu diingat, informasi teknis ilmiah harus bisa diterjemahkan dan disampaikan lewat bahasa yang sederhana – tanpa harus mengurangi makna yang sebenarnya. Kalau terlalu njlimet takutnya para wisatawan malah tak tertarik lantaran mereka tak punya bekal pengetahuan arkeologi.
Tantangan Pemanfataan
Walau dipandang punya potensi, Hanang mengingatkan bahwa ada sejumlah tantangan yang harus dihadapi. Malahan tantangan sudah akan muncul sejak tahap perencanaan. Pengembangan gua menjadi suatu objek wisata yang punya pesona dan daya tarik tinggi bukanlah pekerjaan yang sederhana. ”Tanpa ada strategi yang matang hanya akan memperburuk dan menurunkan kualitas nilai strategis gua.”
Supaya lebih gampang gambaran berikut patut direnungkan. ”Gua memiliki iklim-mikro yang khas, yang sangat berbeda dengan lingkungan di luarnya. Setiap segmen gua punya derajat keterangan, suhu dan kelembaban sendiri-sendiri,” jelas Hanang, pria kelahiran Yogyakarta, 2 Juli 1956. Iklim mikro gua tak hanya penting bagi kehidupan biota di dalamnya, tetapi juga mengawetkan lukisan yang tergambar dan tercorat-coret di dinding gua.
Memasuki gua yang penuh lukisan tanpa pemandu dikhawatirkan akan mengganggu proses identifikasi ilmiah yang mungkin belum selesai dilakukan. Benda-benda arkeologi lainnya seperti artefak, sisa makanan berupa serpihan tulang atau tumpukan cangkang kerang, gerabah, manik-manik dan kerangka boleh jadi masih terlindungi dengan baik dari pengaruh kunjungan. Sebab benda-benda tadi berada di dalam lapisan sedimen di dasar gua. Meski begitu, sebelum nilai ilmiahnya teridentifikasi secara lengkap, kunjungan ke gua arkeologi tadi tetap akan berpengaruh pada kegiatan tersebut.
Gangguan bukan cuma dari manusia, alam pun sering merusak sendiri – dalam usahanya menuju ke kesetimbangan dinamis. Pelepasan akumulasi energi pada lapisan kulit bumi secara tiba-tiba dalam bentuk gempa bumi adalah salah satu contoh proses alam menuju ke arah kesetimbangan baru. Gempa yang kuat tentu saja akan merusakkan dinding gua.
”Dari kenyataan tadi, di dalam kegiatan pengembangan gua wisata sering muncul pemahaman yang bersifat skeptis, yang kemudian berkembang menjadi suatu kontroversi. Dibiarkan saja atau dikelola, gua tetap akan rusak,” sergah Hanang. Permasalahan ini akan tetap jadi persoalaan selamanya, yaitu ketika orang tak mau berusaha mencari kata kunci yang dapat mengeluarkannya dari belenggu permasalahan tersebut. (SH/bayu dwi mardana u/ Sinar Harapan)

Sendang Sono, Litle Lourdes in Indonesia

Monday, January 28, 2008

You will reach Sendang Sono after passing through bending street at the foot of Menoreh hill. There are two alternatives in order to reach the place from Yogyakarta, namely via Jalan Godean to arrive at Sentolo before turning right, or via Jalan Magelang to come to T-junction of the market in Muntilan city before turning left. The distance is around 45 kilometers from Yogyarta, or it will take you one hour to get to the place by motorcycle.

An entrance with stone wall on both sides will lead you to the vast pilgrimage complex where you will find small chapels, the path of Jesus Sacrification, the Cave of Maria, shelters, and kiosks selling praying goods. Cool weather will greet you upon entering the complex thanks to many growing trees there.

Sendang Sono was named by its location. Sendang means water spring and Sono means the sono or sonokeling tree, denoting that the spring is located under the sono tree. If you will see the spring and the sono tree, please turn right upon entering the gate. Unfortunately, you will not be able to see the spring clearly because it is closed with glass box.

Before 1904, this spring was wellknown as Sendang Semagung, which functioned as the resting place of the bhikku who left for Boro area, the area to the south of Sendang Sono. Since 20 May 1904, however, by the arrival of Father Van Lith and baptism of 173 people of Kalibawang by using the spring water, this place changed its function to the pilgrimage place for Catholic people.

Entering the main chapel in this pilgrimage complex, you can commemorate the baptism event happening 102 years ago, since there is relief describing the baptism procession. Entering the Mother Mary chapel and the Desciples Chapel, you will remember the struggle of Mother Mary and the twelve disciples with Jesus Christ.

If you are interested in remembering the struggle of one of the Catholic community activists, you can pay a visit to the tomb close to Mother Mary chapel. There, you will find the tomb of Mr. Barnabas Sarikromo, a good friend of Father Van Lith who also one of the people baptized in 1904 and was determined to be the first teacher of Catholic religion in the area.

Sarikromo who was born on 1874 was a person full of blessing because his persistent effort to be close to God. When he was young, he suffered from skin disease that was difficult to cure. In his prayer and promise to serve his life to God if he was cured, he met Father Van Lith who brought him to a brother for medication.

The short-distance path of Jesus Sacrification can be an alternative celebration to commemorate Jesus' misery to shoulder the Cross. At every stop of the sacrification path, you can light a candle and say your prayer while remembering important events of Jesus' to Golgotha hill, such as the events of his three falling while shouldering the wooden cross, when Veronica wiped His face with her handkerchief and the last minutes of the death of Jesus Christ.

Praying in front of the Cave of Mary that is located close to the sono tree is another way of seeking tranquility. Many people say their prayer by kneeling down and lighting candles in front of this cave. You can even write your hopes or wishes on a piece of paper and then put it into a firing pot in order for God to receive it. For your information, the statue in this complex was directly shipped from Spain.

In addition to pacifying yourself and praying, you can also enjoy the enchantment of the complex architecture designed by Father Y.B Mangunwijaya Pr and it won AGA Khan Awards. You can also sit relax in the shelter while enjoying the surrounding buildings dominated by stone as the material, or stand on the small bridge to enjoy the beauty of the flowing river underneath.

When you are going to leave, do not forget to take some spring water flowing from the taps at the side of the river. The water is believed to give blessings to anyone who drink it or use it for many other purposes. It will complete your contemplation and wishes that you say in your prayer. (source


WANAGAMA, an Oasis in Lime Hill

Wanagama Forest functions as an educational forest for the Faculty of Forestry Gadjah Mada University. In this area, there i s a W o o d Museum, a unique and interesting tourism object. It is located about 7 kms westward of Wonosari. The area of Wanagama Forest can be found on a path about 100 m from Wonosari-Jogja Street.

This forest area as wide as 600 hectares was once visited by President Megawati and some important officials of the country. Even, Prince Charles and Prince Bernhard left remembrance in this place. The path they took now becomes favorite path for visitors.

Funds from Silkworm

As long as 35 kilometers journey from the city center, under the hot sun, was quite tiring. Arriving at Gading village, however, the weather began to be cloudy. We turned to the right at the first junctions, passing through a street that only accommodated two cars. Arriving at the T-junction, we turned right and went straight the natural street with fields on both sides. At the end of the street, there was a gate with the writing "Welcome" greeted us accompanied with fresh air.

Wanagama that means Gadjah Mada Forest was only 10 hectares and was on barn areas. The Forestry Department of Gadjah Mada University, initiated by Oemi Hani'in Suseno and Tri Setyo assisted by Wagiran, a local inhabitant, reforested the area in 1964. The main objective was to find a model to cope with critical land in Gunung Kidul to be functioned as education forest and field research for the students of Gadjah Mada University.

The first planted plantation was mulberry (Morus Alba). The leaves can be used to feed silkworm and they do not fall off easily. The leaves are sold at 1 Ringgit (2,50 Rupiah) per kilogram by that time. The management as the buyer used them as silkworm feed. The results of the cocoon sales are used as development fund.

In this forest, there are camp site, lodging, dining room, sport facilities, hall, and - of course - classroom.

Enjoying the Scenery from Cendana Hill

Wanagama is located in Banaran Village, Playen District of Gunung Kidul Regency. There are two entrance ways but end at the same point. Unfortunately, the connecting bridge was hit by the quake and is under reconstruction now.

Going around Wanagama can be done by motorcycle of on foot by choosing challenging route. Riding motorcycle feels like going through the jungle in Jurassic Park film where visitors can only see the border of the forest on both sides.

The trip becomes an encouraging challenge. Groups of sandalwood, teakwood, acacia, mahogany, sengon, and many other trees will accompany your journey.

Climbing Cendana Hill that is higher compared to the others, you can see beautiful scenery of Wanagama forest. The green color of the forest and meadow, and the stream of Oya River of which water flows calmly in brownish color is reflected brightly by the sun. On bright days, the top of Merapi Mountain will be seen; it adds the beauty of Wanagama enchantment.

Sometimes, there are some deer relaxing around Cendana Hill. Visitors can see them clearly if they are lucky.

Relaxing at Oya River

Continuing the trip from west side to the north, visitors will see Oya River flowing beautifully in front of them. They can relax themselves enjoying the bright air and fresh water. Soaking face with the water will be so refreshing. Looking at the dragonflies and hearing the sound of water flowing in a small stream and the chirp of prenjak bird gives quietness to the mind. YogYES gets relax for a while here and breathe in the fresh natural air.

Close to Oya River, there is a waterfall flowing all the time. It is encircled by trees so that it looks like hiding its beauty.

In this forest with more than 65 types of timbers and hundreds of herbs, Prince Charles and Prince Bernhard left remembrance of teakwood (Tectona Grandis). The teakwood planted by Prince Charles is named Jati Londo. This tree becomes more interesting when it dried before reaching 1 meter high. It was coincidental with the publication of his separation with the late Diana Princess. After growing and reaching three meters high, this tree withered and broke. This was coincidental with the publication of his divorce. Then, this tree grew again with two branches.

Enjoy the evening while looking at the sun setting behind the horizon. When the sun begins to set in the west, tens of birds fly back to their nest. When night begins to hang in between the trees, the silence will slowly be broken by the choir of crickets. Tiredness of the adventure in Wanagama Forest is redeemed by the peace of nature. (YogYES.COM)



Sunday, January 27, 2008

Iklim kompetisi yang ketat, ternyata juga mempengaruhi bisnis bakso. Saat ini muncul warung-warung bakso dengan inovasi-inovasi baru. Contohnya warung bakso yang satu ini. Kalau di tempat lain biasanya menggunakan daging sapi (atau babi), tapi di warung bakso ini menawarkan daging ayam. Namanya warung bakso "Kuning Gading". Lokasinya, di sebelah selatan toko buku "Puskat" Kotabaru. Kalau dari arah stadion Kridosono, letaknya setelah gedung Widya Mandala, tetapi sebelum viaduk jembatan Kewek.

Saya pertama kali makan di tempat ini karena diajak Lily Halim setelah melakukan tugas peliputan untuk majalah BAHANA (Soal perbaksoan, Lily Halim memang pakarnya). Selain dagingnya, yang istimewa dari tempat ini adalah porsinya yang sangat besar. Dengan menggunakan mangkok besar, kita disuguhi bakso yang terdiri dari mie kuning, tahu potong, daging ayam, bawang goreng, irisan daun seledri dan tentunya bulatan bakso. Bulatan baksonya pun cukup terasa dagingnya. Kalau kebanyakan bakso lebih banyak tepungnya, tapi kandungan daging dalam bola bakso di sini lumayan banyak. Sehingga terasa sekali tekstur dagingnya.

Untuk ukuran Jogja, tarif di warung ini memang agak mahal. Untuk 2 porsi bakso+2 gelas es teh+krupuk (seribuan)+2 piring nasi+irisan tahu ekstra, kami membayar Rp. 23.500,-

Bakso Rusuk

Warung bakso lain berinovasi dengan menambahkan rusuk sapi. Maka mereka menyebutnya bakso rusuk. Salah satunya adalah bakso rusuk "Samson" yang "enceng-encengan" (berseberangan diagonal) dengan pintu gerbang Akademi Angkatan Udara, Yogyakarta. Jika memesan bakso rusuk spesial, maka Anda akan disuguhi semangkok bakso dengan potongan rusuk sapi seukuran telapangan tangan balita. Tentu saja masih ada daging yang menempel. Selain itu masih ditambahi dengan thethelan (remah-remah daging).

Dagingnya cukup empuk, sehingga tidak dibutuhkan tenaga Samson untuk mengunyahnya. Harga per porsi Rp. 9.000,-

Selain hidangan bakso, yang istimewa di sini adalah es telernya. Menurut saya, rasa kelapa mudanya cukup 'nendhang'. Manisnya pun tidak keterlaluan, sehingga kita tidak justru kehausan setelah meminumnya.

Bakso Luar Negeri

Sementara itu di dekat rumah saya di Klaten, sedang ngentrend warung bakso dengan mengambil nama negara luar negeri. Yang pertama Bakso Arab. Keunikannya pada ukuran baksonya yang sangat besar. Bakso ini diiris pada bagian pada bagian tengahnya, kemudian "dikupas" keluar sehingga menyerupai irisan manisan buah pala. Tujuan pengirisan ini untuk membuat bagian dalam bakso juga telah matang.

Karena ukuran yang "oversize" maka Anda akan kekenyangan jika makan satu porsi saja. Lokasi warung ini di pasar Srago, ringroad selatan, Klaten.

Di dekatnya, sekitar 200 meter, ada warung bakso Jepang. Saya belum tahu mengapa warung bakso ini dinamai warung bakso Jepang. Terus terang saya kecewa dengan hidangan di sini. Tidak ada yang istimewa. Bahkan es campur yang dihidangkan sudah terasa basi. Maka saya berjanji pada isteri saya untuk tidak jajan ke sana lagi.

Ada lagi warung bakso "Nuklir" yang ada di wilayah Bareng, Klaten. Warung bakso ini sering memasang spot iklan di stasiun TV swasta. Tapi saya belum pernah mencoba ke sana.

Isu Daging Tikus

Sekitar tiga tahun yang lalu, bisnis kuliner bakso di Yogyakarta sempat kolaps dihantam isu daging tikus. Entah benar atau tidak, sempat beredar rumor bahwa ada seseorang yang menyaksikan pekerja sebuah warung bakso laris di kota gudeg ini sedang menguliti daging tikus. Sontak beredar kabar bahwa bakso di warung ini menjadi enak karena dicampur dengan daging tikus.

Isu ini sempat membuat penggemar bakso merasa jijik dan ogah menyantap makanan rakyat ini. Tapi waktulah yang membuktikan. Tidak dapat dapat dipungkiri memang ada satu atau dua pedagang bakso yang curang, tapi saya yakin warung bakso yang sudah mapan tidak akan berbuat sebodoh itu, yaitu mempertaruhkan reputasinya demi penghematan yang tidak seberapa.

Saat itu, yang sedang ngetrend adalah bakso urat. Warung bakso urat yang diminati konsumen di antaranya warung bakso "Pak Kumis" dan "Pak Kribo" di sepanjang jalan Gejayan. Sementara di wilayah Selatan, ada warung bakso di dekat lampu merah R.S Bethesda Lempuyangan dan Jl. Sultan Agung.

Bakso Asli

Teman saya yang keturunan Tionghoa mengatakan sebagian besar bakso yang dijual sekarang ini sebenarny sudah tidak asli lagi. Dia beralasan bahwa kata "bak" dalam "bakso" dalam bahasa Mandarin bermakna "babi." Jadi, menurutnya, bakso yang asli sesungguhnya memakai daging babi. Baik untuk kaldu maupun irisan dagingnya.

Namun mengingat sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia adalah muslim, maka resep ini kemudian dimodifikasi dengan memakai daging sapi. Ternyata makanan ini diterima oleh masyarakat luas.

Namun jika keyakinan Anda tidak melarang mengkonsumsi daging babi, maka Anda dapat mencoba resep bakso yang asli. Di Jogja, bakso "asli" ini dijual di dekat klentheng Kranggan (sebelah utara Tugu). Konon bakso ini cukup enak dan laris. Saya sendiri belum pernah mencobanya dan hanya mendapat informasi dari teman.
Saya pernah mendengar informasi bahwa bakso yang dijual di dekat pelataran parkir R.S. Bethesda juga menggunakan daging babi. Tapi saya tidak dapat mengkonfirmasi kebenaran informasi ini.

Saya pernah mencicipinya. Menurut saya, hidangannya tidak terlalu istimewa. Rasa vetsinnya sangat nendhang sehingga mulut berliur terus sesudah makan. Tempatnya juga sempit dan panas.

Bakso Pahe

Jika dompet sedang lengket, maka biasanya saya jajan bakso keliling yang biasa jualan di depan kos saya. Harganya lumayan murah, tapi bisa untuk mengobati ketagihan saya pada bakso. Hanya dengan dua ribu perak saja, Anda bisa mendapat semangkok bakso lengkap. Bahkan masih ditambahi potongan daging! Kalau tidak percaya, datang saja ke kampung Bangunrejo. Tugu Jogja ke arah barat. Masuknya dari gang di sebelah toko Takrib (depan pasar Pingit). Biasanya dia mangkal di depan rumah Triyoko/Sasongko.


Kalau bicara soal kelengkapan, bakso di tempat kelahiran saya, Gunungkidul, lebih komplit. Dalam semangkok bakso ada bulatan bakso rebus, bola bakso goreng, irisan tahu goreng, mie putih, mie kuning, potongan daging, bawang goreng dan irisan seledri. Sedangkan bakso-bakso di tempat lain, kadang menghilangkan salah satu unsurnya.

Warung bakso di Wonosari yang terkenal adalah di jl. Sumarwi (depan garasi Jangkar), bakso Taman Bunga, bakso Muncul (depan eks SMEAN) dan di desa Kelor, kecamatan Karangmojo.

Bicara soal bakso, saya teringat desa tetangga yang sebagia besar warganya berprofesi sebagai penjual bakso. Desa itu bernama desa Bejiharjo, atau lebih tepatnya dusun Grogol. Karena lahan pertanian di tempat itu tandus, maka sebagian besar pemuda di desa itu merantau ke kota besar. Uniknya, sebagian besar penduduknya berjualan bakso. Jika Anda berlangganan tukang bakso keliling, sekali-sekalu coba tanya asalnya. Siapa tahu dia berasal dari dusun Grogol.

Indraloka Resto

Friday, January 25, 2008

Best restaurant in Yogyakarta usually bring the concept of mixing restaurant indoor and garden view, and Indraloka Garden resto is one of them. However in the International Haute Cuisine on ala carte basis has some special European dishes "grill & barbeque" such as Finger Fish Snapper, Waterfall Salmon, Barbeque Ribs, N.Z Sirloin Steak, Aust. Lamb Rack, N.Z Tenderloin Steak. For the Indraloka Garden Resto specialities menu on ala carte basis such as Kepiting Ginjuri, Danoesastro Chicken Steak, Beef Steak Dapur Eyang, Sop Buntut, Cheese Fried Rice and favourite Sun Chlorella Fried Rice, the delicious fried rice; looks a bit greenly and has unique taste because it contains sun chlorella that can reduce the poison / toxins in your body.

Indraloka Garden Resto also provide to cater’s everyone special needs as toddler’s special birthday, gathering, closing dinner party, barbeque night, candle light dinner, ect. With live entertainment for your requirement.

You can find the cosier atmosphere in the garden area. The plants are nearly ordered with fence made of red brick brings you to a strong romantic feeling. There are several set of tables and chairs for you who want to dine warmly with your family or best friends. Hot spots internet service is also available in the area. You don’t need to worry about the leaking dew because there is roof decorated with fabric that brings more intimate nuance.

Indraloka will warmly welcome your visit from 10.00 am to 10.00 pm the entire resto both indoors accommodates maximum 190 people. The indoors resto accommodates 40 people. Live music every Saturday evening. Advance reservation is highly recommended for better service.

Cik Di Tiro 18 Yogyakarta 55223 Indonesia
Phone: +62 274 544428
Fax: +62 274 544428

For another Restaurant & Cafe click here



Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Resort and Spa


The Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Resort & Spa will be closed until further notice.

Enjoy a unique Javanese ambiance and warm service throughout your stay at the five-star Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Resort and Spa. Close to numerous cultural attractions such s Sambisari Temple and the Sultan Palace, it’s a world away that’s close to wonderful places beckoning to be discovered.

After a day of tennis or relaxing at the spa, retreat to our 241 airy guest rooms, filled with fresh flowers, views of the mountain or garden, and comforting touches.

Meet friends poolside at our Tamansari Pool Bar. Enjoy a beautiful mountain view from our Sasono Hondrowino restaurant serving warm comforting Indonesian food. Spend a great night in at our Sasono Suko Lounge that features live entertainment. Or bring a larger group together and let our staff plan a wonderful event.

Let us help redefine how you relax. We look forward to welcoming you to the Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Resort and Spa!



MERAPI : One of the World’s Most Active Volcanoes

MERAPI : One of the World’s Most Active Volcanoes

Living in the shadows of active volcanoes is like sitting on a time bomb, especially when one of them is called
Fire Mountain or Gunung Merapi in Indonesian language. Merapi is one of some 500 volcanoes in Indonesia, of which at least 129 are considered active. It lies in one of Indonesia’s most densely populated regions, and is only a few kilometres from the sultanate of Yogyakarta. Despite frequently giving out smoke, the mountain still attracts hikers and climbers. It takes 5 hours to climb up and 3 hours to return.

How to Get There:
From Yogyakarta, go further North to Kaliurang hill resort by public transport or by car. Kaliurang stands at 900 m on the slopes of Merapi.

The Best Season to Visit: May to September every year.


Top 5 Most Romantic Cities In The World

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Top 5 Most Romantic Cities In The World

If you wish to gift your partner a pleasant surprise this season, you can arrange for a tour to any of the Top 5 Most Romantic Cities in the World. A visit to any of these places will surely make your trip a memorable vacation. So here are the Top 5 Most Romantic Cities In The World exclusively for you.

Cape Town, South Africa: It is considered to be the most romantic place on earth. Ranging from luxurious accommodation options to candle-lit dinners, beach excursions to sightseeing options, exotic wildlife to a scintillating nightlife, Cape Town offers these all. It is a perfect place to be in with your partner.

Jamaica: If you are fond of beaches, then this is the right choice for you. This Caribbean island is a paradise for the couples and is regarded as one of the top 5 most romantic cities in the world. You can not only enjoy the stunning natural views and the scrumptious seafood platters, but also indulging in the thrilling water sports.

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: Searching for a place to sip in at some world class champagne and partying around with your beloved? Your search ends at Las Vegas ! A vibrant city featuring the most fascinating nightlife, Las Vegas is best for all those who wish to make their trip an exciting and colorful one. Apart from dining, drinking and dancing, you can also try out your luck at the various casinos here.

Venice, Italy: Designated as one of the top 5 most romantic cities in the world, Venice is just apt to offer you an amazing holiday experience. Apart from touring the city and its surroundings, a ride on the gondola along the canals makes for an ultimate romantic experience.

Paris, France: Paris is considered to be the 'city of love'. Be it for sharing a pizza with your partner at the cafes or for spending hours in front of the famous Eiffel Tower, the city is a favorite of the couples.

The Two wonderful Romentic places and best honeymoon destination of the world are Kashmir and Switzerland. Search more details on our website World Travel Guide.

And Jogja to be the next ....



Tourism in Question

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tourism in question
In our new edition, Inside Indonesia explores different perspectives on tourism - Emma Baulch

Post-bomb lessons
Strategic planning for disaster remains a low priority for the central government, despite the lessons learned in the aftermath of the Bali bombings - Dina Wipsar Andari

Food for the future
Organic farming takes root in post-bomb Bali - Graeme MacRae

Eco-tourism for whom?
Bunaken National Marine Park is promoted as an ideal mix of tourism and conservation, but not all local people agree - Leila Sievanen

Living like kings
Working-class Singaporeans travel to Indonesia's Riau Islands in search of a fantasy built around sex - Michele Ford and Lenore Lyons

Singapore, not sawit
Tourism campaigns in East Kalimantan fall short of provincial middle class aspirations - Laurens Bakker

Suharto's last erection
Nationalism and every-day tourism - Geoff Mulherin

Rich, Asian and all-natural
Indonesia's wealthy partake of a booming spa tourism industry, joining a pan-Asian community of well-to-do consumers of the `non-west' -Bart Barendregt

Weekly Articles

Postcards from a wasteland
Despite being a scene of destruction and heartache, there is a strange beauty in the new landscape created in the wake of the Sidoarjo mud disaster - Siobhan Campbell

Un-natural disaster
An unstoppable flow of mud from an explosion in a gas well in Sidoarjo, East Java, has unleashed a plethora of political issues - Jim Schiller


Parangtritis, the Most Popular Beach in Yogyakarta

In addition to being the most popular beach in Yogyakarta, Parangtritis is worth visiting since it is closely related to such tourism objects as the Sultan Palace in Yogyakarta city, Parangkusumo Beach to the west of it, and the Merapi area at the north part of Yogyakarta. Located around 27 kilometers from the city center, Parangtritis Beach is also part of the Queen of South's authority.
The naming of the beach has its own history. Hundreds years ago, someone named Dipokusumo, who was a fugitive of Majapahit Kingdom, came to this area to meditate. When he saw water dripping from the crack of the coral reef, he named this area 'parangtritis', originating from the word parang (stone) and tumaritis (water drops). The beach close to the area was then named the same.

Parangtritis is a beach full of myths, which is believed to be the manifestation of the unity among Merapi Mountain, Yogyakarta Kingdom, and Parangtritis Beach. The legend tells that Panembahan Senopati and Sunan Kalijaga once met in this place after completing their meditation. Panembahan Senopati was reminded of being a humble ruler despite his supernatural powers.

The primary attraction of this beach is its natural view. The enchantment of the coastal scenery can be seen from different angles to give you different experiences. When you are standing at the seashore, you will see the wide ocean with the high waves and steeply mountainside on the east side.

To get the view from the site, just walk or hire the horse-cart westwards and you look southwards when you have reached the place. You may get to the place by riding a horse that you shall rent at negotiable price.

After enjoying the scenery of Parangtritis beach from the seashore, you can leave for Langse Cave for a different experience. On the earth road leading to the cave, you can look westwards to see Parangtritis from different angle. The high waves rushing to the shore will look silvery under the sun, and will look golden by the sunset time. YogYES got the opportunity to see this exotic view during its visit a couple of days ago.

Before reaching Langse Cave, we suggest that you pay a visit to the graveyard of Syeh Bela Belu that will give you spiritual experience. Usually, many pilgrims come on certain days such as certain Tuesday that is called Kliwon on Javanese calendar as one of the five Javanese days of the week.

From the graveyard, you may challenge yourself to continue your journey to Langse Cave that you have to go on foot to get to the cave that is 3 kilometers away through as high as 400 meters mountainside at the slope of almost 900. To get into the cave that is also called the Queen of South cave, you have to get the permission from the tomb guard. According to the guard of Depok Beach several times entered the cave when he was young, we will get beautiful view of the south ocean at the mouth of the cave that directly faces the ocean.

On the fifth day of the fifth month of Chinese calendar, you will be able to see Peh Cun ceremony procession in Parangtritis. Peh Cun, originating from the word Peh that means oar and Cun that means boat, is Chinese expression of gratitude to God. This rite is also meant to commemorate Khut Gwan (Qi Yuan), a loyal patriot as well as a minister who was once betrayed by his colleague so that he committed a suicide.

Peh Cun ceremony is unique since there is no festival of dragon-decorated boats rowing like in other regions, instead there is an attraction of standing egg. The attraction begin at 11:00 a.m. and by afternoon, according to the myth, the egg will stand upright with no means of support are needed. By 01:00 p.m., however, the egg will suddenly fall down and no one can erect it anymore.

To get to Parangtritis Beach, you can take either one of the two routes. One is the route of Yogyakarta-Imogiri-Siluk-Parangtritis with the river and coral reel scenery on the way. The other is Yogyakarta-Parangtritis route that is easier to take with quite smooth road. It is suggested that you do not wear green clothes to respect local people who believe that green clothes will bring misfortune. (source

Foreign Embassies in Indonesia

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Embassy of the Islamic State of Afganistan
Jl. DR. Kusuma Atmaja SH. No. 15, Menteng, Jakarta 10310
Phones : (62-21) 314 3169
Fax : (62-21) 335 390

Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Algeria
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. 10-1, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Phones : (62-21) 525 4719, 525 4809
Fax : (62-21) 525 4654
Telex : 626 ALGIA

Embassy of the Republic Argentina
Menara Mulia-Suite 1901, 19th Floor, Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto Kav 9-11
Phones : (62-21) 526 5661, 526 5662

Embassy of Australia
JL. HR. Rasuna Said Kav C. 15-16, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Phones : (62-21) 522 7111
Fax : (62-21) 522 7101

Embassy of Austria
Jl. Diponegoro No. 44 Menteng, Jakarta 10310
Phones : (62-21) 338090, 338 101, 3159912
Fax : (62-12) 390 4927


Embassy of Banglades
Jl Denpasar Raya No 3 Blok A.XIII Kav 10, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Phone : (62-21) 525 1986, 522 1574
Fax : (62-21) 526 1807

Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium
Deutsche bank Building, 16th Floor, Jl. Imam Bonjol No 80, Jakarta 10310
Phone : (62-21) 316 2030 (Hunting)
Fax : (62-21) 316 2035
E-mail : jakarta(at)

Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Menara Imperium 11th Floor, suite D-2, Metropolitan Kuningan Superlock Kav
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12980
Phone : (62-21) 8370 3022
Fax : (62-21) 8370 3029

Brunei Darussalam
Embassy of Brunei Darussalam
Wisma GKBI Room 1901, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 28, Jakarta 10210
Phone : (62-21) 574 1437, 574 1438, 574 1439, 574 1470, 574 1471, 574 1472
Fax : (62-21) 574 1463

Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria
Jl. Imam Bonjol 34-36, Jakarta 10310
Phone : (62-21) 390 4049 , 390 4049
Fax : (62-21) 390 4049
Telex : 61106 Bultag la

Royal Embassy of Cambodja
Panin Bank Plaza 4th Floor, Palmerah Utara No. 52 , Jakarta 11480
Phone : (62-21) 548 3716, 548 4840 (Ambassador), 548 3643 (Political/ASEAN)
Fax : (62-21) 548 3684, 548 3684 (Ambassador)

Canada Embassy
Wisma Metropolitan 1-5th Floor, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 29, Jakarta 12920
P.O 8324/JKS MP. Jakarta 12084
Phone : (62-21) 525 0709
Fax : (62-21) 571 2251

Embassy of th Republic of Chile
Bina Mulia I Bldg. 7th Floor, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
PO. Box 4168, JKT 12041
Phone : (62-21) 520 1131 (2 lines)
Fax : (62-21) 520 1955
Telex : 62587 CHILE IA
E-mail : Emchijia(at)

Embassy of the People's Republic of China
Jl. Mega Kuningan No 2, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 576 1039
Fax : (62-21) 576 1034

Embassy of the Republic of Colombia
Central Plaza Building 16th Floor, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 47, Jakarta 12930
Phone : (62-21) 525 6446, 570 1422
Fax : (62-21) 520 7717

Embassy of the Republic of Croatia
Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto Kav 9-11, Jakarta 12930
Phone : (62-21) 525 7822, 5257611
Fax : (62-21) 5204073

Embassy of the Republic of Cuba
Villa Pejaten Mas Blok G/ No. 4, Pejaten - Pasar Minggu, Jakarta 12520
Phone : (62-21) 780 6673
Fax : (62-21) 780 7345, 780 6673

Embassy of the Czech Republic
Jl. Gereja Theresia No. 20, Jakarta Pusat
P.O. Box 1319
Phone : (62-21) 390 4075 - 40 77
Fax : (62-21) 336 282

Royal Danish Embassy
Bina Mulia building, 4th Floor, JL. HR. Rasuna Said, Kav. 10, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 520 4350 (Hunting)
Fax : (62-21) 520 1962
E-mail : dkembiak(at)

Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 68, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat
Phone : (62-21) 314 3440, 335 350, 331141
Fax : (62-21) 314 5073

European Union
Representation of the European Commission
Wisma Darmala Sakti, 16th Floor, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 32, Jakarta 10220,
P.O. Box 6454 jkpds
Phone : (62-21) 570 6076
Fax : (62-21) 570 6075

Embassy of Finland
Bina mulia Building 1, 10th Floor, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav 10,
Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 520 7408 (Hunting)
Fax : (62-21) 525 2033
E-mail : sanomat.jat(at)

Embassy of France
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 20, Jakarta pusat
Phone : (62-21) 314 2807
Fax : (62-21) 314 3338

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
Jl. M.H. Thamrin no. 1, Jakarta Pusat
Phone : (62-21) 390 1750
Fax : (62-21) 390 1757
Telex : 44333 aajaka ia

Great Britain
Her Britannic Majesty's Embassy
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta Pusat
Phone : (62-21) 315 6264 Ansaphone 315 6264
Fax : (62-21) 314 1824, 390 2726, 390 7493

Embassy of the Hellenic Republic Plaza 89, 12th Floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-7, No. 6, Kuningan, Jakarta 12940
Phone : (62-21) 520 7776
Fax : (62-21) 520 7753

Holy See
Apostolic Nunciature
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 18, Jakarta Pusat
P.O. BOX 4227
Phone : (62-21) 384 1142, 381 3736
Fax : (62-21) 384 1143

Embassy of the Republic of Hungary
JL. H.R. Rasuna Said kav. X/3, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 520 3459, 520 3460
Fax : (62-21) 520 3461.

Embassy of India
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. S-1, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 520 4150, 520 4152, 520 4157
Fax : (62-21) 520 4160
Telex : 60953 INDEMB 1A

Embassy of the Islamic of Iran
Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No. 110, Menteng, Jakarta 10310
Phone : (62-21) 331 378, 331 391, 334637
Fax : (62-21) 310 7860

Embassy of the Republic Iraq
Jl. Teuku Umar No.38, Menteng, Jakarta 10350
Phone : (62-21) 390 4067-9
Fax : (62-21) 390 4066
Telex : 69 186 IRAQ 1A

Italian Embassy
Jl. Diponegoro No. 45, Menteng, Jakarta 10310
Phone : (62-21) 337 445, 323 490, 440
Fax : (62-21) 337 422
E-mail : italemba(at)

Embassy of Japan
Menara Thamrin Kav 3, Jakarta Pusat
Phone : (62-21) 324 308 (8 lines), 325 076, 325 268
Fax : (62-21) 325 268

Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom Jordan
Jl. Denpasar Raya, Blok A.13 Kav. 01-02, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 520 4400, 520 4401
Fax : (62-21) 520 2447
Telex : 628 73 JO IA

Embassy of The Democratic People Republic of Korea
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said. Kav. X-5, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
P.O. Box 5003 JKTM Jakarta 12050
Phone : (62-21) 521 0181, 521 0182, 521 0181
Fax : (62-21) 526 0066, 521 0183

Embassy of the State of Kuwait
Jl. Denpasar Raya Blok A. XII No.1, Kuningan Timur, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 520 2480, 520 2477, 520 2478, 520 2479
Telefax: (62-21) 520 4359, 522 4931

Embassy of the Lao People's Democratic Republic
Jl. Kintamani Raya C.15 No. 33, Kuningan Timur, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 520 2673, 522 9602
Fax : (62-21) 522 9601

Embassy of Lebanon
JL. YBR V No. 8, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Phones : (62-21) 525 3074, 526 4306
Fax : Is available by calling the standard

The People's Bureau of the Great Socialist
People Libyan Arab Jamahirya
Jl. PekalonganNo. 24, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Phones : (62-21) 335 308, 335754
Fax : (62-21) 335 726
Telex : 69282 ALIBYA IA

Embassy of Malaysia
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X/6 No. 1-3, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 522 4947(Hunting - 8 lines)
Fax : (62-21) 522 4974
Telex : 60813 MALAYSIA
E-mail : kbmjkt(at)

Embassy of the Republic of Mali
Jl. Mendawai III no. 18, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12130
Phones : (62-21) 720 8472, 726 8504
Fax : (62-21) 722 9589

Embassy of Mexico
Menara Mulia, Suite 2306, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 9-11, Jakarta 12930
Phone : (62-21) 520 3980
Fax : (62-21) 520 3978
E-mail : Embmexic(at)

Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco
Kuningan Plaza, South Tower, Suite 512, JL. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. C11-14, Kuningan, Jakarta 12940
Phone : (62-21) 520 0773, 520 3956
Fax : (62-21) 520 0586

Embassy of the Union of Myanmar
JL. Haji Agus Salim No. 109, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat
Phones : (62-21) 314 0440, 327 684
Fax : (62-21) 327 204

Kingdom of the Netherlands Embassy
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. S-3, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Phone : (62-21) 525 1515
Telefax : (62-21) 570 0734
Telex : 62414 nedam ia

New Zealand
New Zealand Embassy
BRI II Building, 23rd Floor, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 44-46, Jakarta 10210
P.O. Box 2439 Jakarta 10024
Phone : (62-21) 570 9460
Fax : (62-21) 570 9457

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Jl. Taman Patra XIV No. 11-11A, Kuningan Timur, Jakarta Selatan
P.O. Box 3649
Phone : (62-21) 526 0922, 526 0923
Fax : (62-21) 526 0924

Royal Norwegian Embassy
Bina Mulia Building I, 4th Floor, JL. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav 10, Kuningan,
Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 525 1990 ( 2 lines ), 520 1182
Fax : (62-21) 520 7365

Embassy of the State of Palestine
Phones : (62-21) 323 521, 314 5444
Fax : (62-21) 310 8011

Papua New Guinea
Embassy of the Independent state of Papua New Guinea
Panin bank Centre, 6th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.1, Jakarta 10270
Phone : (62-21) 725 1218 (Hunting)
Fax : (62-21) 720 1012

Embassy of Peru
Menara Rajawali, 12th Floor, Jl. Mega kuningan Lot # 5.1,
Kawasan Mega Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 576 1820, 576 1821
Fax : (62-21) 576 1825
E-mail : embaperu(at)

Embassy of the Republic of the Philippine
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 6-8, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat
Phone : (62-21) 310 0334, 310 0335, 310 0206
E-Mail : phjkt(at)

Embassy of the Republic of Poland
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X Blok IV/3, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Phone : (62-21) 252 5938 - 40, 252 5947
Fax : (62-21) 252 5960
E-Mail : brhjjck(at)

Embassy of the State of Qatar
Jl. Taman Ubud I No. 5, Kuningan Timur, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 527 7751, 527 7752
Fax : (62-21) 527 7754

Embassy of Romania
Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro No. 42 a Menteng, Jakarta Pusat
Phone : (62-21) 310 6240, 310 6241
Fax : (62-21) 390 7759
Telex : 61208ROMCOM IA

Embassyof the Russian Federation
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-7, 1-2, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
Phone : (62-21) 522 2912, 522 2914, 522 5195
Fax : (62-21) 522 2915, 522 2915

Saudi Arabia
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
Jl. M.T. Haryono kav. 27, Cawang Atas, Jakarta Timur
Phone : (62-21) 801 1533, 801 1537
Fax : (62-21) 801 1527

Embassy of the Republic of Singapore
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X/4 Kav. No. 2, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 520 1489, 520 1469, 520 1470
Fax : (62-21) 520 1488

Embassy of the Slovakia Republic
Jl. Prof. Moh Yamin SH. No 29, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat
P.O. B.ox 1368
Phone : (62-21) 310 1068, 315 1429
Fax : (62-21) 310 1180

South Africa
Embassy of the Republic of South Africa
Wisma GKBI 7th Floor, Suite 705, Jl . Jend Sudirman No. 28, Jakarta 10210
Phone : (62-21) 574 0660
Fax : (62-21) 574 0661

Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain
Jl. Haji Agus Salim No. 61, Menteng, Jakarta 10350
Phone : (62-21) 335 937, 335 940, 335771, 314 2355
Fax : (62-21) 325 996

Sri Lanka
Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Jl. Diponegoro No. 70, Menteng, Jakarta 10320
Phone : (62-21) 314 1018, 316 1886, 319 02389 (Hunting), 391 9364
Fax : (62-21) 310 7962

Embassy of the Republic of Sudan
Wisma Dharmala, 7th Floor Suite 01, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 28, Jakarta 12920
P.O. Box 403
Phones : (62-21) 521 2075, 521 1928
Fax : (62-21) 521 2077
Telex : 60460 SEJ IA

Embassy of Sweden
Bina Mulia Building I, 7th Floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav 10, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 520 1551
Fax : (62-21) 525 2652
E-Mail : sweden(at)

Embassy of Switzerland
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Blok X3/2, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 526 6061
Fax : (62-21) 520 2289
E-mail : swieniak(at)

Syrian Arab Republic
Embassy of Syrian Arab Republic
Phone : (62-21) 520 4117, 525 5991, 520 1641
Fax : (62-21) 520 2511
Telex l : 62867 SYRIA IA

Royal Thai Embassy
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 74, Jakarta 10310
Phone : (62-21) 390 4052
Fax : (62-21) 310 7469

Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia
Wisma Dharmala Sakti I th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 32, Jakarta 10220
Phone : (62-21) 570 3432, 570 4220
Fax : (62-21) 570 0016
E-Mail : Embtun(at)

Embassy of the Republic of Turkey
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 1, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Phone : (62-21) 525 6250 (Hunting), 526 4143, 522 7440, 527 3688
Fax : (62-21) 522 6056
Telex : 62506

Embassy of Ukraine
Jl. Simpruk Permata I No. 39, Jakarta 12220
Phone : (62-21) 720 5356, 726 7575
Fax : (62-21) 726 6969
E-Mail : uaembas

United Arab Emirates
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates
Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio (Singaraja) C-4, Kav. 16-17, Kuningan Timur
P.O. Box 4859 / Jakarta 12048
Phone : (62-21) 520 6518, 520 6552
Fax : (62-21) 520 6526
Telex : 60738 EMARAT IA

United States of America
Embassy of the United States of America
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 5, Jakarta Pusat
Phone : (62-21) 344 2211
Fax : (62-21) 386 2259
Telex : 44218 (AMEMB JKT)

Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Menara Mulia 2401, 24th Floor, Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto Kav 9-11, Jakarta Selatan
Phone : (62-21) 522 2581
Fax : (62-21) 522 2582


Embassy of the Republic of Venezuela
Menara Mulia Suite, 20th Floor, Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto Kav. 9-11, Jakarta 12930
Phone : (62-21) 522 7547, 522 7548
Fax : (62-21) 522 7549
E-Mail : evenjakt(at)

Embassy of the Socialist Republic Vietnam
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 25, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat
Phone : (62-21) 910 0163, 310 0358, 315 8573, 310 0359, 314 3130
Fax : (62-21) 314 965, 31 901 066

Embassy of the Republic of Yemen
Jl Yusuf Adiwinata No. 29, Menteng, Jakarta 10310
Phone : (62-21) 390 4047, 310 8029, 310 8035
Fax : (62-21) 390 4946
Telex : 61727 GHAMJK IA

Embassy of the Federal Republic Yugoslavia
Jl. H.O.S. Cokroaminoto No. 109, Menteng, Jakarta 10310
Phone : (62-21) 314 3560, 334 157
Fax : (62-21) 314 3613
Telex : 69139 YUAMBA IA



Friday, January 18, 2008

Berdirinya Kota Yogyakarta berawal dari adanya Perjanjian Gianti pada Tanggal 13 Februari 1755 yang ditandatangani Kompeni Belanda di bawah tanda tangan Gubernur Nicholas Hartingh atas nama Gubernur Jendral Jacob Mossel. Isi Perjanjian Gianti : Negara Mataram dibagi dua : Setengah masih menjadi Hak Kerajaan Surakarta, setengah lagi menjadi Hak Pangeran Mangkubumi. Dalam perjanjian itu pula Pengeran Mangkubumi diakui menjadi Raja atas setengah daerah Pedalaman Kerajaan Jawa dengan Gelar Sultan Hamengku Buwono Senopati Ing Alega Abdul Rachman Sayidin Panatagama Khalifatullah.
Adapun daerah-daerah yang menjadi kekuasaannya adalah Mataram (Yogyakarta), Pojong, Sukowati, Bagelen, Kedu, Bumigede dan ditambah daerah mancanegara yaitu; Madiun, Magetan, Cirebon, Separuh Pacitan, Kartosuro, Kalangbret, Tulungagung, Mojokerto, Bojonegoro, Ngawen, Sela, Kuwu, Wonosari, Grobogan.
Setelah selesai Perjanjian Pembagian Daerah itu, Pengeran Mangkubumi yang bergelar Sultan Hamengku Buwono I segera menetapkan bahwa Daerah Mataram yang ada di dalam kekuasaannya itu diberi nama Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat dan beribukota di Ngayogyakarta (Yogyakarta). Ketetapan ini diumumkan pada tanggal 13 Maret 1755.
Tempat yang dipilih menjadi ibukota dan pusat pemerintahan ini ialah Hutan yang disebut Beringin, dimana telah ada sebuah desa kecil bernama Pachetokan, sedang disana terdapat suatu pesanggrahan dinamai Garjitowati, yang dibuat oleh Susuhunan Paku Buwono II dulu dan namanya kemudian diubah menjadi Ayodya. Setelah penetapan tersebut diatas diumumkan, Sultan Hamengku Buwono segera memerintahkan kepada rakyat membabad hutan tadi untuk didirikan Kraton.
Sebelum Kraton itu jadi, Sultan Hamengku Buwono I berkenan menempati pasanggrahan Ambarketawang daerah Gamping, yang tengah dikerjakan juga. Menempatinya pesanggrahan tersebut resminya pada tanggal 9 Oktober 1755. Dari tempat inilah beliau selalu mengawasi dan mengatur pembangunan kraton yang sedang dikerjakan.
Setahun kemudian Sultan Hamengku Buwono I berkenan memasuki Istana Baru sebagai peresmiannya. Dengan demikian berdirilah Kota Yogyakarta atau dengan nama utuhnya ialah Negari Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. Pesanggrahan Ambarketawang ditinggalkan oleh Sultan Hamengku Buwono untuk berpindah menetap di Kraton yang baru. Peresmian mana terjadi Tanggal 7 Oktober 1756
Kota Yogyakarta dibangun pada tahun 1755, bersamaan dengan dibangunnya Kerajaan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat oleh Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I di Hutan Beringin, suatu kawasan diantara sungai Winongo dan sungai Code dimana lokasi tersebut nampak strategi menurut segi pertahanan keamanan pada waktu ituSesudah Proklamasi Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus 1945, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX dan Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII menerima piagam pengangkatan menjadi Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Propinsi DIY dari Presiden RI, selanjutnya pada tanggal 5 September 1945 beliau mengeluarkan amanat yang menyatakan bahwa daerah Kesultanan dan daerah Pakualaman merupakan Daerah Istimewa yang menjadi bagian dari Republik Indonesia menurut pasal 18 UUD 1945. Dan pada tanggal 30 Oktober 1945, beliau mengeluarkan amanat kedua yang menyatakan bahwa pelaksanaan Pemerintahan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta akan dilakukan oleh Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX dan Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII bersama-sama Badan Pekerja Komite Nasional
Meskipun Kota Yogyakarta baik yang menjadi bagian dari Kesultanan maupun yang menjadi bagian dari Pakualaman telah dapat membentuk suatu DPR Kota dan Dewan Pemerintahan Kota yang dipimpin oleh kedua Bupati Kota Kasultanan dan Pakualaman, tetapi Kota Yogyakarta belum menjadi Kota Praja atau Kota Otonom, sebab kekuasaan otonomi yang meliputi berbagai bidang pemerintahan massih tetap berada di tangan Pemerintah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
Kota Yogyakarta yang meliputi daerah Kasultanan dan Pakualaman baru menjadi Kota Praja atau Kota Otonomi dengan lahirnya Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 1947, dalam pasal I menyatakan bahwa Kabupaten Kota Yogyakarta yang meliputi wilayah Kasultanan dan Pakualaman serta beberapa daerah dari Kabupaten Bantul yang sekarang menjadi Kecamatan Kotagede dan Umbulharjo ditetapkan sebagai daerah yang berhak mengatur dan mengurus rumah tangganya sendiri. Daerah tersebut dinamakan Haminte Kota Yogyakaarta.
Untuk melaksanakan otonomi tersebut Walikota pertama yang dijabat oleh Ir.Moh Enoh mengalami kesulitan karena wilayah tersebut masih merupakan bagian dari Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan statusnya belum dilepas. Hal itu semakin nyata dengan adanya Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1948 tentang Pokok-pokok Pemerintahan Daerah, di mana Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta sebagai Tingkat I dan Kotapraja Yogyakarta sebagai Tingkat II yang menjadi bagian Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
Selanjutnya Walikota kedua dijabat oleh Mr.Soedarisman Poerwokusumo yang kedudukannya juga sebagai Badan Pemerintah Harian serta merangkap menjadi Pimpinan Legislatif yang pada waktu itu bernama DPR-GR dengan anggota 25 orang. DPRD Kota Yogyakarta baru dibentuk pada tanggal 5 Mei 1958 dengan anggota 20 orang sebagai hasil Pemilu 1955.
Dengan kembali ke UUD 1945 melalui Dekrit Presiden 5 Juli 1959, maka Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1957 diganti dengan Undang-undang Nomor 18 Tahun 1965 tentang pokok-pokok Pemerintahan di Daerah, tugas Kepala Daerah dan DPRD dipisahkan dan dibentuk Wakil Kepala Daerah dan badan Pemerintah Harian serta sebutan Kota Praja diganti Kotamadya Yogyakarta.
Atas dasar Tap MPRS Nomor XXI/MPRS/1966 dikeluarkan Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1974 tentang Pokok-pokok Pemerintahan di Daerah. Berdasarkan Undang-undang tersebut, DIY merupakan Propinsi dan juga Daerah Tingkat I yang dipimpin oleh Kepala Daerah dengan sebutan Gubernur Kepala Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dan Wakil Gubernur Kepala Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang tidak terikat oleh ketentuan masa jabatan, syarat dan cara pengankatan bagi Kepala Daerah dan Wakil Kepala Daerah lainnya, khususnya bagi beliiau Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX dan Sri Paduka Paku Alam VIII. Sedangkan Kotamadya Yogyakarta merupakan daerah Tingkat II yang dipimpin oleh Walikotamadya Kepala Daerah Tingkat II dimana terikat oleh ketentuan masa jabatan, syarat dan cara pengangkatan bagi kepala Daerah Tingkat II seperti yang lain.
Seiring dengan bergulirnya era reformasi, tuntutan untuk menyelenggarakan pemerintahan di daerah secara otonom semakin mengemuka, maka keluarlah Undang-undang No.22 Tahun 1999 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah yang mengatur kewenangan Daerah menyelenggarakan otonomi daerah secara luas,nyata dan bertanggung jawab. Sesuai UU ini maka sebutan untuk Kotamadya Dati II Yogyakarta diubah menjadi Kota Yogyakarta sedangkan untuk pemerintahannya disebut denan Pemerintahan Kota Yogyakarta dengan Walikota Yogyakarta sebagai Kepala Daerahnya. (sumber

Borobudur Sunrise, the Scenery of the Sunrise in Nirvana

Admiring the grandeur of Borobudur at day and seeing details of each statue and stones with relief of the constructors is something that people from around the world are longing to do. However, not many people realize that Borobudur also has other unique view, namely the scenery of the beautiful rising sun that blows the statue of Buddha sitting cross-legged at the peak of the temple that was constructed in the ninth century.
If you never experience it before, trying to color the coming of the new life in the beginning of the year will become an unforgettable experience. The rising sun with its bright light will at least encourage you to live the life one year ahead, and for sure it becomes a remembrance that wisdom or nirvana symbolized by the peak of this temple is the main destination of your life.
In order to enjoy the scenery of the sunrise, you can stay at Manohara hotel in the complex of Borobudur temple since evening. Alternatively, you may join Borobudur Sunrise package offered by some tour agencies. Otherwise, you will not be able to enter the temple complex and you will miss the sunrise, since the entrance gate of this tourism object is only open at around 07:30a.m.
If you stay at Maonhara, you can start climbing Borobodur temple at any time to enjoy the sunrise. However, hotel management and some tour agencies usually lead you to go to the peak of Borobodur at 03:00 a.m. in order for you to have enough time to reach the peak on foot and you do not have to wait too long for the sunrise. The rise of the sun can usually be enjoyed at around 05:00a.m. It suggested that you wear your coat to expel the cold weather and to bring flashlight for lighting.
Once the sky in the east begins to shine, you are ready to see the movement of the sunrise. Once the reddish yellow light emerges, it means dawn has come in the peak of Borobudur symbolizing nirvana. Uniqueness of watching sunrise in Borobodur is that the sun seems to emerge in between two mountains, namely Merapi as one of the most active mountains in the world and Merbabu that is often said to be its twin.

When Merapi is active and the fog does not cover it, you will be able to see glowing magma pouring out of the mountain directing to the upper reaches of Krasak River. The bright red color of magma will look so bright in contrast with the dark sky. Last January 2006, tens of tourists enjoyed this view and during the increased activity of Merapi lately, you have the opportunity to enjoy it.

Another scenery that is not less interesting is the villages around Borobudur that you will see when looking down. Agriculture and culture that currently are living in those villages will help you imagine the condition of the villages around the temple during the construction of this temple. If thick fog covers your view, you can still see tall, green trees emerge from the surface of the fog. The movement of the rising sun can also be observed from the light intense blowing the Buddha statue. The higher the sun, the brighter the Buddha statue will look, changing its black color to bright gray. If you take quite good camera to take pictures, you can record the moment when the light of the sun begins to blow Buddha statue and make part of the statue brighter compared to other part.

When the sun begins to burn your skin, it signals that you should descend the temple. However, you need not worry, you can still walk around the villages around Borobudur temple that previously was only seen from the top. Some villages are determined to become tourism village. You can see the activities of people such as farming, producing potteries, sculpturing statues and others. Your presence in the villages at least brings hopes for local people currently that live more difficult life.

Tour Destination in Jogja

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Found many good place for tourism in Jogja:

1. Temple (Candi)
* Borobudur, the Biggest Buddhist Temple in the Ninth Century
* Reading the Message from Nirvana in Gampingan Temple
* Plaosan Temple, the Twin Temple in Yogyakarta
* Prambanan, the Most Beautiful Hindu Temple in the World
* 21 Years Constructing the Sambisari Temple "Puzzle"
* Tara Temple, the Oldest Buddhism Inheritance in Yogyakarta
* Candi Pawon (Pawon Temple), etc --- click here for detail ---

2. Place of Interest
* Yogyakarta Sultan Palace, Center of the Universe
* Bintaran, from the House of Pangeran Bintoro to Indische City
* King Boko Palace, the Glory on a Peaceful Hill
* Going along the Bank of the Mataram Ditch
* Sendang Sono, Lourdes in Indonesia
* Sendang Sriningsih, the Medium of God's Blessing
* Sosrokusuman, from Cheap Logding to Wayang Kancil
* Sosrowijayan, a Tourist Kampong in the City Center of Yogyakarta
* Tugu Railway Station, One of the Oldest Train Stops in Indonesia
* Malioboro, shoping place, etc --- click here for detail ---

3. Beach
* Baron Beach
* Congot Beach, the Nuance of Fishermen Beach
* Depok Beach, Enjoy Seafood Cuisine from Fresh Fish
* Krakal BeachKukup Beach
* Ngobaran Beach, from Temple to Fried Sea Urchin
* Ngrenehan BeachParangkusumo, the Love Beach in Yogyakarta
* Parangtritis, the Most Popular Beach in Yogyakarta
* Drini Beach, etc --- click here for detail ---

4. Museum and Monument
* Affandi Museum, Visiting the Palace of a Maestro
* Kekayon Museum, Turning On the Record of Indonesian History
* Yogya Kembali Monument, The Track of Six-Hours Occurrence in Yogyakarta
* Sasmitaloka Museum, Visiting The Home of a Guru
* Sonobudoyo Museum, Admiring the Keris Collection
* Tugu Jogja, the Most Popular Landmark in Yogyakarta
* Ullen Sentalu Museum, Reflection of the Kingdom Ladies' Beauty
* Samudraraksa Ship Museum, etc --- click here for detail --- Read more...

Yogyakarta / Jogja

Yogyakarta (some people call it Jogja, Jogjakarta, or Yogya) is a city with outstanding historical and cultural heritage. Yogyakarta was the centre of the Mataram Dynasty (1575-1640), and until now the kraton (the sultan's palace) exists in its real functions. Also, Yogyakarta has numerous thousand-year-old temples as inheritances of the great ancient kingdoms, such as Borobudur temple established in the ninth century by the dynasty of Syailendra.
More than the cultural heritages, Yogyakarta has beautiful natural panorama. The green rice fields cover the suburban areas with a background of the Merapi Mountain. The natural beaches can be easily found to the south of Yogyakarta.
Here the society lives in peace and has typical Javanese hospitality. Just try to go around the city by bike, pedicab, or horse cart; and you will find sincere smiles and warm greeting in every corner of the city.
An artistic atmosphere is deeply felt in Yogyakarta. Malioboro, as the center of Yogyakarta, is overwhelmed by handicraft from all around the city. Street musicians always ready entertain the visitors of the lesehan food stalls.
Those who have visited Yogyakarta reveal that this city makes them long for it. Just visit here, then you will understand what this means.
Transportations to Yogyakarta:
TrainYou may reach Yogyakarta by train from Jakarta, Bandung, or Surabaya
BusYogyakarta is reachable by bus from Sumatra Island, Bali Island, and most cities of Java Island.
PlaneRecently, international direct flights from Singapore and Kuala Lumpur are established to Yogyakarta. In addition, domestic flights to Yogyakarta from Jakarta, Denpasar, Balikpapan, and many others, are available now. Please check the Yogyakarta Regular Flight Schedule.

INDONESIA - launches 2008 tourism campaign to howls of protest

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Indonesia launched its new Visit Indonesia 2008 (VI 2008) tourism campaign to howls of protest when eagle-eyed readers of the campaign’s Website and in-flight TV advertisements spotted grammatical errors.
The campaign slogan, inaugurated by Indonesian Tourism Minister Jero Wacik last week, is also plastered on Indonesia’s flag carrier Garuda planes, Website and on its promotional TV ads.

The country is embarking on the campaign to revive its flagging tourism industry which recorded a drop of 2.3 percent, or about four million foreign tourist arrivals, in 2006.
Critics have pointed out, the VI 2008 tourism tagline, “Celebrating 100 years of a nation's awakening,” should instead read “national” or be preceded by a definite article. The tagline refers to the founding of “Boedi Detomo” or “Noble Endeavour” by medical students in the then Dutch-ruled Indonesia.

>>full article

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