Sundak Beach: Yogyakarta

Monday, February 25, 2008

There are so many attractions for visitors in Java, and particularly Yogyakarta. It has beautiful, windswept beaches and interesting villages whose occupants make a living from the ocean.

The whole of the southern coastline is battered by massive swells and not really convivial for surfing but I have seen a few foolish tourists tackling the strong currents. Sundak Beach is one of these as Singgir Kartana explains:

Little may be known about Sundak Beach along Gunungkidul’s southern coast, as it is not as popular as other frequently visited beaches in the area like Baron, Krakal and Kukup.

In fact, Sundak has many charms to offer.

Located some 25 kilometers to the southeast of the Gunungkidul capital Wonosari, Sundak has yet to become one of the regency’s main tourist attractions.

But many consider Sundak more beautiful than other more well-known beaches. Apart from its beautiful coast, it also offers a hilly landscape surrounding the beach.

Visitors to Sundak will enter a shade-covered beach, with green trees at the mouth of the beach offering a great place to enjoy the breeze as the rolling waves break onto the white-sand shore.

Though largely undeveloped, the beach has public facilities including a roomy parking area, a rest area, a prayer room, lavatory, stage and playground.

Visitors can also explore a cave not far from the beach. Located to the east of Sundak, the five-meter long cave is situated on a finger of land extending out into the sea.

Standing at the mouth of the cave, visitors are able to enjoy the beautiful landscape and view of other beaches along the coast, including Baron, Krakal, Wediombo, Ngungap, Ngobaran, Kukup and more. There is another cave located down a hill to the north of the beach. Although the mouth of the case seems to be only a small passage, it is relatively roomy inside.

What is unique with this particular cave is that from inside it visitors can observe an underground river measuring some four meters wide and two meters deep, flowing through the cave into the sea. The water of the river is very clear and locals use it for their daily needs.

Visitors also need not to worry about light inside the cave because holes in the roof along sunlight to penetrate the gloom.

The entire area is also cleaner and fresher than other beaches in the region. Although basically a fishing hubs, there is no unpleasant fish smell on the beach. That’s probably because of its location relatively separated from the fish market.

However, when the catch comes in visitors just need to walk some 200 meters down the beach to the market where they can buy fresh fish. Bawal is one of the most popular fish in the area. One kilogram of it usually costs between Rp 20,000 and 25,000.

Locals also catch lobsters, setting traditional traps, and there are plenty of fresh lobsters at the market.

Other attractions include the rare trees locally known as drini, which used to be found only on the nearby Drini Island.

Sarindi, 48, a local villager, is trying to preserve the rare tree by plating them around Sundak Beach.

Access to the beach is simply, with a paved road having been provided by the local government. However, the entrance passage to the beach is damaged and makes for a bumpy ride.
For Rp 8,500 per person, visitors gain access to the four beaches of Krakal, Kukup, Baron and Sundak.

“But so far we only have had a relatively small number of visitors coming. It may be due to the damaged entrance road that they are reluctant to come here,” Marsudi, a parking attendant at Sundak Beach, said.

Another resident expressed his optimism about the future.

“We do believe that if developed properly, this could be the most beautiful beach to visit in the region. We have a racing circuit around here as well as a place where sea turtles lay eggs,” Ponco said


Friday, February 22, 2008

Perjalanan ini sedikit membuat kami merasa pusing, karena kami harus melewati jalan menanjak yang berliku-liku. Namun keindahan alam gunung kidul dengan pemandangan gunung batu membuat kami tetap bersemangat. Menurut cerita penduduk setempat, yang sempat berbincang-bincang dengan kami, pada waktu gempa beberapa bulan yang lalu, kawasan Gunung Kidul ini hujan batu krikil. Dan bebatuan seakan turun dari atas gunung.

Dari parkiran, kami berjalan kaki 2 km dengan medan yang bukan jalan rata, melainkan bebatuan, menanjak dan berliku. Bisa bayangkan, bagaimana sulitnya apalagi kami membawa putri kami yang baru berumur 3 tahun. Apakah kami mampu?

Namun sekali lagi, ini belum apa-apa dibandingkan dengan cobaan lainnya. Rasa tekat dan semangat kami menghantam dan menghapuskan perasaan itu. Membuat kami bersemangat kembali. Dan karna kami sendiri belum perna dan belum tau seperti apa Gua Maria yang ada di Tritis ini? Mengapa harus ada dibalik gunung bebatuan karang ini?
Ternyata benar,…. Memng luar biasa ….

Gua Maria Tritis ini adalah gua yang betul-betul indah dan masih alami. Dengan latarbelakang stalaktit-stalaktit. Perjalanan kami ini ditemani oleh anak-anak desa, yang memberikan petunjuk jalan mana yang lebih cepat dan lebih aman buat kami. Mereka adalah anak-anak dari umat katolik disekitar Gua Tritis, yang memang dianjurkan oleh romo paroki untuk memandu wisatawan dan peziarah yang datang ketempat tersebut. Kalau pengunjung berniat jalan salib, rute yang ditempuh lebih jauh dan memakan waktu 2,5 jam untuk bisa melewati keempat belas stasi yang ada sampai ke bukit golgota. Di Bukit Golgota ini, mirip dengan Bukit Golgota yang asli, yang terdapat juga tiga salib besar tempat Yesus di salibkan bersama dengan Barnabas.
Kata Tritis adalah bahas Jawa yang artinya tetesan air.

Tetesan air ini berasal dari stalaktit yang kemudian ditampung untuk digunakan sebagai obat. Letak Gua Tritis ini jauh dari perkampungan penduduk. Gua Tritis ini diresmikan oleh Romo Lamers SJ pada tahun 1979.

Ini adalah Gua Maria yang amat terkesan buat kami sekeluarga. Saran kami bila anda mengunjungi Gua Maria ini hendaknya anda membawa bekal seperlunya saja, seperti air minum mineral, botol kosong untuk wadah air suci dan lilin. Karna nanti kalau anda kembali ke tempat parkiran, jalan yang dilalui terus menanjak. Dan bagi orang tua yang sepuh, anda cukup menyewa tenaga pembawa tandu dari tempat parkiran sampai kedalam gua, dengan membayar upah seratus ribu rupiah pulang-pergi.

Sebelum perjalanan Anda dari Jogja sampai ke Gua Maria Tritis, Anda bisa mampir sebentar untuk berziaarh di Sendang Ngijorejo. Disinipun Anda bisa menemukan Gua Maria Ngijorejo. Gua Maria Ngajirejo inipun kami peroleh informasinya dari salah seorang ibu, yang sempat berkenalan dengan kami. Ia adalah umat di gereja Ganjuran dan juga salah satu ketua lingkungan yang ada di Gereja Ganjuran. Info-info seperti inilah yang membantu kami. Sekaligus menjadi sebuah petunjuk buat kami untuk dapat mengetahui keberadaan Gua-Gua Maria lainnya yang mungkin kami sendiri tidak tahu keberadaannya.

Gua Maria Ngajirejo, letaknya di belakang landasan AU Gading, Gunung Kidul. Dan kurang lebih 1,5 jam kami tempuh dari arah kota Jogjakarta. Perjalanan dari kota Jogja menuju kawasan inipun kami lalui dengan jalan yang berliku dan menanjak. Butuh konsentrasi yang lumayan baik dari pengemudi kendaraan. Ditambah waktu itu pun hujan rintik. Kami tak banyak memperoleh info tentang Gua Maria ini, hanya saja suasana di Ngajirejo ini cukup hening dan sepi, letaknyapun ditengah pedesaan .


Yogyakarta Handycraft

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Jogja is noted as batik centre, but other craft industries in and around the city includes silver, leather, pottery and puppets. Even if you don’t intend to buy, galleries and workshops are open free of charge for visitors to observes traditional Javanese crafts in present.

Malioboro is great long-colorful bazaar of souvenir shops and stalls offering a wide selection of cheap batik bags, leather works, cotton clothes, silver wares, wood masks and puppets. Skillful bargainer gets lower prices here. A good range of batik could be venture at Margaria Batik and several other shops, like Terang Bulan, Taruntum, and Batik Keris. Mirota Batik, at the opposite side of the street, offers a wide variety of handicrafts and a good point to get an idea of general prices. A labyrinthine Beringharjo traditional market, left side before the bottom of the street, is always worth a browse, especially for cheap and batik and textiles. Another popular site for batik is Tamansari, only minutes away from the centre of Kraton. You can arrange a batik course with Pak Hadjir (Intensive Batik Course), close to the main pool, for only US$30.

Jogja is an influential axis in the development of the traditional musical instrument gamelan. The instrument played in royal houses to people night firs in remote villages, from star hotels to a humble pendopo (open pavillion) of a village head in hundred kilometers out of Yogyakarta. To see how to make the musical set, you can visit Mpu Triwiguno Studio at Jalan Ori I/119 Papringan, Depok, Sleman, some 5 kilometers from th Adisucipto Airport. To appreciate the sounds, you can attend a gamelan reherseal at Kraton pavilions (please check on traditional performances section for exact schedule) or the department of Karawitan at Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) at Jalan Parangtritis km.6, Sewon, Bantul.

Another height of Javanese craftsmanship is, undoubtedly, Keris the traditional dagger. A master of the weapon’s art is the 70 year old Empu Djeno Harumbrodjo, who lives in a tranquil and green village of Gatak, Sumber Agung, Moyudan, in the regency of Sleman, about 15 Km westward of Yogya city. He can make only 2 pieces of classical Keris in a year. His works of arts are really masterpiece, physically and spiritually. Check in any art shop in Malioboro or Prawirotaman if you wish to get Keris of lower qualities, and of course, prices.

Visit Kasongan, seven kilometers south west of Jogja, to see astonishing array of potteries. The village has developed as a centre of earthenware since late 1970’s. Another pottery village is Pundong, approximately 15 kilometers eastern of Kasongan.

Silver work can be found all over the town, but the best area to shop is in Kotagede, a long known as silver works centre 5 km south east of Jogja. Hundred of silversmiths, work on their tiny rooms to spacious workshops of bigger industries, were producing filigree work, a specialty here, and other designs and styles. Several large factories, like Tom’s Silver, HS Silver and MD Silver, offered a guided tour to see the process with no obligation to buy their products. Bantul’s Gabusan Craft market was opened in the end of 2004. The newly built complex 10 kilometers South of Jogja, includes promotional outlets for hundreds of crafts maker from Bantul Regency.

Bunder Forest

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This area includes Bunder and Wanagama Forests, lies in Playen sub district, 30 km away from Yogyakarata city. This area is very accessible, because the main street connecting Yogyakarta city and Wonosari city passes this region. Tourism journey from Yogyakarta to the main tourism object in Gunungkidul south sea (Baron-Kukup-Krakal-Sundak) and to Wonogiri (Gajah Mungkur paunch) and also to Pacitan (Gong cave) by southern way also passes this forest area. It can be said this area is very srategic as a provisional and resting place for the visitors, with the facilities such as a pendopo (hall), which is facilitated by 3000 watt electricity, a small mosque, fresh water, lavatories, and a wide parking space. There is also a plantation and distilation of cajuput oil, wild silkworm cattle breeding, deer cattle breeding and also a pleasant camping ground and outbound's activities. In the same area with Bunder forest, there is Wanagama forest. The Wanagama forest is an International forest for research and education. This forest is managed by Gadjah Mada University. It covers 600 Ha, and lies 3 km away in the west of Gading Airport about 7 km from Wonosari city. This forest is a man made forest and was established as an educational forest and also as a model pattern for multifunction forest development, especially to overcome the unfertile soil and deforestation. There is an interesting and unique wood museum in this area. This museum collects various kinds of antique old wood instruments in various dimensions. Read more...

Sewu Hills Kars Area

Gunugkidul Regency has landscape hills Kars area formed by rock dissolubility. It's also known as Sewu Hills Kars Area extends to Gunungkidul, Wonogiri, and Pacitan Region. The Gunungkidul Kars Area covers about 13.000 km with uniquely geomorphology. it's indicate by conical limestone is predicted to have 4000 canocal limestone, domes, and valleys (doline and poltje) and caves with stalactites and stalagmites inside,and also underground rivers. Based on its uniquely and it scientific values and also society fenomenon, the International Union of Speleology proposed the Sewu Hills Kars Area as World nature Heritage. Own Gunungkidul's advantage as main capital to develop Gunungkidul tourism by means of Sustainable Tourism. Therefore December 6, 2004, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (President of Republic Indonesia) make official announcement is Gunung Sewu and Gombong Selatan area as Eco Kars Region. All of its uniquely and its scientific values, namely white sandy beach already expanded as mass Tourism, The Adventure Tourism like rock climbing (Siung beach, Seropan and Watu Gupit), caving (Cerme, Seropan, Bribin, Grubug , Jomblang and Kalisuci cave). History and Religy Tourism (Rancang Kencono, Braholo and Maria Tritis Cave). Read more...

Ke Mana Arahnya Geowisata?

GUNUNG KIDUL - Judul di atas selalu diapung para pemerhati dan pecinta gua-gua bersejarah di Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). Mereka tak pernah keberatan bila gua bersejarah didorong ke depan sebagai objek wisata, terutama untuk wisata minat khusus. Namun para pemerhati tadi akan protes bila pengembangan gua tak punya arah dan perencanaan yang jelas serta transparan.
”Wisata gua di daerah Gunung Kidul sebenarnya belum banyak dikembangkan, sebab objek wisata alam andalan daerah ini saat ini adalah wisata pantai,” ungkap Tjahjono Prasodjo dari Jurusan Arkeologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta.
Meski masih lambat, beberapa pihak sudah ancang-ancang untuk menggarap potensi ini. ”Bahkan, sudah ada beberapa gua yang sudah ditata untuk dijadikan daerah tujuan wisata,” tambah Tjahjono. Sebagai contoh, ia menyebut Gua Paesan. Gua yang ada di Kecamatan Ponjong itu sudah ”dipermak” untuk menyambut wisatawan.
Sayang maksud hati ingin mempercantik diri tapi apa daya malah salah langkah. Pengembangan fisik Gua Paesan dapat kritik dari Tjahjono. ”Pengembangan fisik gua ini tidak mempertimbangkan kondisi alamiah gua. Jalan masuk yang dibuat dan tangga dari bangunan semen itu menyalahi karena menempel langsung di atas batuan gua,” papar peneliti arkeologi ini.
Kritik lain juga dialamatkan Tjahjono terhadap gua Rancang Kencono di desa Bleberan, Kecamatan Playen. Gua ini merupakan gua yang secara morfologis sangat berpotensi sebagai gua hunian di masa lalu. Pada bagian ujung belakang dibangun sebuah altar pertapaan. Selain itu, beberapa kali gua ini dipakai sebagai lokasi pengambilan gambar sinetron aksi, sehingga beberapa bagian dinding gua digambari jurus-jurus silat.
Sebetulnya, pihak Dinas Pariwisata dan Budaya Kabupaten Gunung Kidul sudah punya rencana arahan pengembangan potensi geowisata. ”Kami sudah membuat kerangka dasar perwilayahan objek geowisata dari hasil-hasil analisis potensi geowisata eksokarst-endokarst,” ujar Sunarto Kepala Dinas Pariwisata dan Budaya Gunung Kidul.
Kerangka dasar itu bisa dilihat pada pembagian zonasi potensi geowisata. Pembagian ini dilakukan atas dasar pertimbangan jenis objek alam, regionalisasi objek geowisata dan aksesibilitas.
Dari hasil analisis, ada tiga zona geowisata: zona geowisata karst Perbukitan Seribu Bagian Barat, zona geowisata karst bagian tengah dan zona geowisata bagian timur. Tiap-tiap zona dibagi lagi menjadi objek wisata gua, objek wisata bukit karst, objek wisata lembah karst dan objek wisata pantai. Lokasi-lokasi yang potensi itu pun dimasukkan dalam klasifikasi tadi. ”Dari sini akan ketahuan prioritas kelompok pantai, kelompok bukit karst dan kelompok lembah sebagai geowisata eksokarst dan gua serta sungai bawah tanah sebagai geowisata endokarst,” tutup Sunarto.


Friday, February 15, 2008

”Golong Gilig” Tugu Yogyakarta

JALAN Malioboro dan gudeg, sudah menjadi icon Kota Yogyakarta. Namun, di Yogya juga berdiri bangunan tugu di persimpangan Jln. Sudirman - Jln. Diponegoro - Jln. A.M. Sangaji - Jln. Mangkubumi, "Tugu Yogyakarta". Tugu ini, bersama "Panggung Krapyak" dan "Monumen Yogya Kembali" terletak pada satu garis lurus, seolah-olah merupakan poros makro kosmos antara gunung Merapi dan Laut Selatan.

Tugu Yogyakarta, seperti ditulis dalam website (kerja sama antara Kementerian Ristek & Teknologi dengan Badan Perpustakaan dan Arsip Daerah/BPAD Yogyakarta), merupakan salah satu monumen yang sudah berusia tua, dan sekarang menjadi salah satu ciri Kota Yogyakarta.

baca selengkapnya di : Jogja Tourism: TUGU YOGYAKARTA


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sweet & chilli cuisine

It's not a big secret to Indonesian people that Yogyakarta people adore sweet foods. The local dish known as gudeg, for example, is distinctively sweet in flavor. Local snacks, such as bakpia dan yangko, are extremely sweet. However, not every local dish is sweet. Krecek—the orengeish fried beef often served with gudeg—is poignantly hot for untrained tongue. Lodeh made by the locals, even though often referred as 'too sweet' by non Jogja, still has a hint of the fiery chilli taste. Its a good idea to ask the food vendor whether the dish is hot or not. For those who are just curious, simply ask them to omit the chilli from the dish and serve it separately. This way you can still taste the original flavour of the dish, but if you can't handle the chilli flavor you can simply not adding the chilli into your meal!

Originally, Yogyakarta dishes are known for its sweetness. However, as more and more people move to Yogya, this small city starts seeing more diversity in flavor. Now you can find many kind of interesting dishes, ranging from sweet, spicy, to fiery, sometimes a fusion from other cuisine such as Chinese or Western.

Local delicacies

The following dishes should be on every traveller's agenda:

  • Gudeg, a curry of jackfruit, chicken and egg served with rice, and is the most famous local dish. Goopy slop in various shades of brown, the stuff does not look particularly appetizing, but it can be tasty if done right. There many gudeg restaurants, but the most popular are: Gudeg Wijilan, Gudeg Juminten, Gudeg Bu Tjitro, Gudeg Tugu, Gudeg Bu Amat. If you can wake up early in the morning, you may find small stalls serving Gudeg just at the corner of the street, or close to traditional markets.
  • Ayam Goreng Mbok Berek (Mbok Berek's Fried Chicken). Fried free range chicken with mild garlic and coriander flavor served with crunchy crackers.
  • Nasi Langgi (Langgi Rice). Warm rice served with various side dishes. Can be found in small stall in Gandekan street.
  • Kipo, bite size snacks made of green colored tapioca dough filled with sweetened grated coconut. Can be found in Kotagede.
  • Bakpia, another bite size snack made from sweetened greenbean paste wrapped with thin dough pastry. The most popular bakpia is known as Bakpia Patuk, which not surprisingly, are sold in Patuk street.
  • Jadah Tempe, sandwich of rice cake and sweet beancake. Can be found in Kaliurang.


Yogyakarta is heaven of inexpensive foods, and some tasty and filling dishes can be as low as 25 US cents. However, since there are hundreds, if not thousands hawker stalls offering inexpensive foods, some of them are not delicious. For a start, head to well known food stalls such as:

  • Angkringan Tugu, hawker stall located close to the Tugu Station serving small rice packs (known as sego kucing) and various other foods, 6PM-4AM. The most popular beverages is kopi joss, Javanese espresso dipped with burning coal. Very inexpensive. Rp 1000-Rp 6000.
  • Empek-Empek Kamto, Jl. Beskalan 3 Yogyakarta, Phone: +62 274 514294, opposite to Ramai Shopping Mall's south entrance. Originated from Palembang, deep-fried fish cake and served with sour soy sauce. There are many variety of empek-empek: kapal selam (means submarine) comes with boiled eggs inside, adaaan/bulat has a garlic taste, while lenggang is an empek-empek omelet.
  • Gudeg Tugu, Jl. Diponegoro, close to Kranggan marketplace, 7PM-1AM. Popular Gudeg stall. A complete dish consists of: warm rice, shredded chicken, brown hard-boiled egg, gudeg, areh sauce, and the hot & spicy sambal goreng krecek. Rp 7000-Rp 10.000.
  • Bakmi Kadin, Jl. Bintaran Kulon 3, Yogyakarta. Javanese style soft-fried noodles. Don't miss the popular wedang bajigur, a local beverages made from warm coconut milk with subtle ginger flavor and garnished with diced coconut and kolang-kaling. Local kroncong street quartet often performs in the area. Rp 9000-Rp 15.000.
  • Sate Karang, Lapangan Karang, Kotagede, Yogyakarta. 5PM-10.30PM. Grilled beef satay served with lontongs (rice cake), peanut sauce and thin curry soup. Rp 15.000.
  • Soto Pak Soleh. Tegalrejo, near Diponegoro Museum. This well-known restaurant is Pak Soleh's family business and is now ran by his son. They only serve Yogyakarta-style beef soup as their main menu, which has a spicy taste from the added ginger. Rp 5000.
  • Spesial Sambal. A local chain for those who like spicy, hot food. Their speciality, as the name suggests, is their various kind of sambal (sambal is a kind of hot relish). Rp 5000-Rp 12,000.
  • Waroeng Steak. A local restaurant chain. Their speciality is batter-fried beef steak served with thick gravy. Rp 6000-Rp15,000.


  • Ayam Goreng Suharti, Jl. Laksda Adisucipto 208, Yogyakarta. Phone: +62 274 515522. A very popular mbok berek fried chicken restaurant, the recipe still remains a secret.
  • Dixie Easy Dining or simply Dixie, Jl. Gejayan 40b (south Selokan Mataram), Phone: +62 274 560745. Offers various kind western and asian dishes served with distinct modern-asian style. Nice modern-ethnical interior. Rp 8000-Rp 50,000.
  • Gudeg Wijilan Yu Djum, Jl Wijilan 31, Kraton and Jl. Kaliurang km 4.5, Karangasem CT III/22, Yogyakarta 55281, Telp (0274) 515968. A more lavish variety of Gudeg, served with thicker sauce, and more expensive as well.
  • Seafood Bu Tutik, Monumen Jogja Kembali, Northern Ring Road. Offers various kind of seafood dishes.


Yogya is filled with many 'high-end' restaurants serving many kind of dishes, from western to asian to asian-fusion cuisines.

  • Gabah Resto, Jl. Dewi Sartika 11A Sagan, Phone: +62 274 515626. Western dishes. Modern classy decoration.
  • Gajah Wong, Jalan Gejayan, Phone +62 274 588294, [10]. Serves many kind of dishes including French, Italian, Indian, Chinese as well as Indonesian. Divided into 3 zones: Country, Javanese and Colonial, each is lavishly decorated and themed with live music. In the Javanese zone, you can hear the Javanese gamelan music performed throughout the night, while the Colonial zone has a live jazz band.
  • Omah Dhuwur, Kotagede. Western dishes.
  • Sobo Pakulaman, Jl. Sultan Agung 46, Yogyakarta 55111, Phone: +62 274 388855.
  • Rempah, Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar km 8, Yogyakarta (300m north of Hyatt Regency Hotel), Phone/Fax: +62 274 884777



  • Embassy, Sheraton Mustika Resort and Spa complex, Jl. Laksda. Adisucipto km 8.7 Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55282 (behind Hugo's). Phone: +62 0274 487241. 10PM-3AM. Nightclub franchise from Jakarta.
  • Hugo's, Sheraton Mustika Resort and Spa complex, Jl. Laksda. Adisucipto km8.7 Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55282. Phone: +62 0274 487241. 10PM-3AM. Stylish yet funky club with wild and friendly servers. Popular among the youths and expatriates. Be sure to watch the 12AM ritual performed by the bartenders and servers. Offers live music and DJ's.
  • The Jetset's (TJ's), Graha Royal, Jl. Urip Sumoharjo 139A, Phone +62 0274 544229. 10PM-3AM. Funky and popular among the youths. Offers DJ's and live Music.


  • Blatz, Jalan Kaliurang. Equipped with free internet via WiFi.
  • Soda Lounge, Jalan Solo. Often hosts talk shows and book discussions.


Andong is basically a buggy or four wheel-cart pulled by a horse. This cart is capable of transporting five adults including the driver. The carts are available in many places in Yogyakarta, especially at Malioboro Street. By spending only Rp.10.000 you can travel around Kraton and enjoy the exotic panorama of Yogyakarta.


The Worldwide Gudeg Jogja

Friday, February 8, 2008

Gudeg is one of some special foods from Jogja. It is just like Sate (roasted beef in stick) from Madura and Pempek from Palembang, Gudeg Jogja has been well known in Indonesia, even in other countries. In Jogja, Gudeg has been widespread in almost every area, from the Gudeg center on Wijilan Street to other places.

A lot of cafes or small restaurants serve Gudeg with various tastes, surely the prices follows, especially at Wijilan Street. Besides tasting the Gudeg, we can find many kinds of special traditional handicraft.

Vendors of Gudeg usually attract the customers’ attention by making an attractive packaging named kendhil (a clay-made package). It does not only make the serving become more attractive but also makes the taste become more delicious. We can find the Gudeg Kendhil in almost every place which serves gudeg.

Gudeg is made from unripe jackfruit boiled with special spices and coconut milk (santan). The top and the bottom parts of the pan used to boil the spices and the coconut milk (santan) is covered with unripe Jati leaves. To get a perfect and delicious taste and color of the Gudeg, those ingredients are boiled all night. The Jati leaves are used to get an attractive color. The areh or sauce is made from coconut milk (santan), spices, and turmeric as the artificial color. It is poured on the ready-to-serve Gudeg. The Gudeg itself has a sweet taste.

Gudeg is usually served with warm rice, egg, chicken, ceker, tofu, tempe, chip, fried onion, etc. We can also serve a glass of tea, ice tea, orange juice, fresh water, etc for the beverages. It is not complete if we come to Jogja without tasting Gudeg. Read more...

Gamelan, the Javanese Orchestra

Monday, February 4, 2008

Gamelan is surely not a foreign music. It has been popular in most continents and has created new music integration, for example jazz-gamelan, has born institution as learning space and gamelan music expression and it has produced famous gamelan musicians. Gamelan music instrument can now be enjoyed in various parts of the world, but Yogyakarta is the right place to enjoy it since you can enjoy the original version of gamelan.

Gamelan that grows in Yogyakarta is Javanese gamelan, one form of gamelan that is different from Balinese gamelan or Sundanese gamelan. Javanese gamelan has softer and slower tones; it is different from Balinese gamelan that is very dynamic and Sundanese gamelan that is melodious with domination of the voice of seruling or traditional bamboo flute. The difference is just natural since Java has its own view of life that is expressed in its gamelan music melody.

The Javanese view of life that is expressed in its gamelan music is the harmony of physical and spiritual lives, harmony in talking as well as behaving in order not to create explosive expression and to realize people tolerance. The real form of harmony in Javanese gamelan music is the moderate play of rebab string, voice harmony of kenong, saron kendang and gambang and the voice of gong ate each closing of the melody.

There is no definite history of gamelan existence. The development of gamelan music is predicted to begin from the existence of kentongan, rebab, tap on the mouth, rubs on string and thin bamboo until the introduction of metal music instruments. Further development after named by gamelan, this music was used to accompany leather puppet show and dances. Later it became independent music and it was completed with voices of female singers called sinden.

A set of gamelan consists of several music instruments; some of them are drum called kendhang, rebab, and celempung, gambang, gong and bamboo flute or seruling. The main components composing the gamelan music instruments are bamboo, metal, and wood. Each of the instrument has its own function in a gamelan music show, for example the gong functioning to close the long music melodies and to give balance after the music was previously decorated by Javanese music melodies.

Javanese gamelan is music with pentatonic melodies. A complete gamelan play consists of two cycles, namely slendro and pelog. Slendro has 5 melodies per octave, namely 1 2 3 5 6 [C- D E+ G A] with small interval difference. Pelog has 7 melodies per octave namely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [C+ D E- F# A B] with big interval difference. Gamelan music composition was created with some rules, namely consists of some cycles and pathet, confined by one gong and the melodies were created in a unit consisting of 4 melodies.

You can see gamelan as an independent music performance or a companion of a dance or performance arts such as leather puppet show and ketoprak. As an independent performance, gamelan music is usually combined with the voice of the Javanese singers (male singers are called wiraswara and female singers are called waranggana or sinden). Gamelan music performance can be classic or contemporary. One form of contemporary gamelan is jazz-gamelan as a combination of music with pentatonic and diatonic melodies.

One of the places in Yogyakarta where you can see gamelan performance is Yogyakarta Kingdom. On Thursdays from 10:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. gamelan is performed as an independent music performance. On Saturdays at the same hours, gamelan is performed as companion of leather puppet show, while on Sundays at the same hours, gamelan accompanies Javanese traditional dance. Please come to Bangsal Sri Manganti to see the performance. Meanwhile, in order to see older gamelan music instrument, you can go to other hall of the kingdom that is located a little further at the back.

source :



Sunday, February 3, 2008

Wayang is an Indonesian and Malay word for theatre. When the term is used to refer to kinds of puppet theater, sometimes the puppet itself is referred to as wayang. "Bayang", the Javanese word for shadow or imagination, also connotes "spirit." Performances of shadow puppet theater are accompanied by gamelan in Java, and by "gender wayang" in Bali.


source wikipedia

BATIK ; Indonesian Traditional Textile

Batik is generally thought of as the most quintessentially Indonesian textile. Motifs of flowers, twinning plants, leaves buds, flowers, birds, butterflies, fish, insects and geometric forms are rich in symbolic association and variety; there are about three thousand recorded batik patterns.

The patterns to be dyed into the the clothe are drawn with a canting, a wooden 'pen' fitted with a reservoir for hot, liquid wax. In batik workshops, circles of women sit working at clothes draped over frames, and periodically replenish their supply of wax by dipping their canting into a central vat. Some draw directly on the the cloth from memory; others wax over faint charcoal lines.This method of drawing patterns in wax on fine machine-woven cotton was practiced as a form of meditation by the female courtiers of Central Java; traditionally, batik tulis (tulis means 'write' in Indonesian) is produced by women.In the 19th century, the application of waxed patterns with a large copper stamp orcap saved the batik industry from competition with cheap printed European cloth. The semi-industrial nature of cap work allows it to be performed by men. Batik motifs recall characters from the Hindu epics, plants, animals, sea creatures and gamalan melodies.

In Surakarta rich creams and browns are juxtaposed with tinges of yellowish gold.White, undyed cloth is left to contrast with the sombre opulence of brown and blue dyes in Yogjakarta. The palette of the north coast were influenced by lively maritime trade and the textile traditions of the Chinese and Arab mercantile communities living in port and coastal towns.

The Symbolic Meaning of Batik's Motifs

The motifs of Batik, especially with old pattern, as in other field of Javanese tradition are symbolizing something. Might be, this is one of the reasons, why people still adore batik up to present date. Some of the motifs are :
  • Sido Mulyo :Sido (you should be ), mulyo (happy). Symbolizing 'you should be happy and rich man'.
  • Sido Dadi :Symbolizing 'you should be a man/woman as you wish (prosperous, high ranking position, wealthy, etc)'.
  • Satrio Wibowo :Symbolizing 'Man with dignity'.
  • Tikel Asmorodono :Tikel (more), Asmoro (love), Dono (gift).It is meant the one who wears this batik, should be loved more and more by others.

The Process of Batik Making

Batik, in Javanese means 'To Dot'. Basically there are two kinds of batik; Batik Tulis (hand drawn) and Batik Cap (stamped). The price of batik tulis is much more expensive than batik cap.


A canting (a pen like instrument with a small reservoir of liquid wax) is applied to the cloth of batik tulis making. The tracing of the desired design on to the prepared cloth is the first stage of making followed by the technique of applying wax and dye substances. At the final stage of the process, all the wax scraped off and the cloth boiled to remove all traces of the wax. This process of repeatedly waxing and dyeing is the batik process, used until nowadays in Java and other parts of Indonesia.

So, this kind art of batik is an indigenous to the country. The wax used in batik process is a combined product of paraffin, bees-wax, plant resins called gondorukem and mata kucing.
Batik cap, which is also using the waxing process, its process of course faster and easier. But people appreciation of batik tulis is higher, it is really a work of an artist not only a craftsman. It combines the expertise, patience, deep feeling to produce the finest product, and it may take days, weeks and even months to make only a batik tulis.

The Cities of Batik

Yogyakarta and Solo are the centers of traditional of batiks, as the north coastal town of Pekalongan is the center of more modern batiks, using more floral and birds motifs. There are some well-known artists of batik design in Yogya and Solo, as well as some big batik manufacturers with famous trademarks.

The growing production of batik makes way to the establishment of mori (woven cotton fabrics) factories in Yogya and Central Java. The Batik research Institute was founded in Yogya.

When Batik is Worn

Batik dresses are worn for several purposes, such as ;

  • Informal Dresses; It is a free choice, usually for daily casual wear.
  • Formal OccasionsIn some parties, as a state banquets, receptions, etc, the invitees are requested to wear batik. Long sleeves shirts for the men and 'kain batik' (long batik to cover the lower body) for the women.
  • Traditional OccasionsIt is worn to present the traditional wedding ceremonies, special ceremonies for the Royal families, etc.

In a wedding ceremony the bride and the bridegroom wear the same motif of batik Sidomukti, symbolizing a happiness and prosperous life. Using the same motif symbolizing the togetherness. The parents of the bride and the bridegroom wear batik with motif of Truntum, symbolizing the advice of the parents to the newly weds to enter the new life with full of love and confidence.

Traditional Dress

Women's traditional dress, especially in Yogya and Solo court families, consisting of :

  • Jarit or Tapih or Sinjang, A 'kain panjang' (long cloth of batik) measuring around 2 m x 1 m to cover the lower body, tightened with stagen (large waist band)
  • Kebaya, It is a traditional long sleeved shirt (the material used is not from batik, usually from silk and other fine materials).
  • Selendang, It is used as attractive piece of clothing to compliment the traditional dress. The 2 m x 0,5 m selendang cloth hung over one shoulder.
  • Kemben or Semekan, It is special for ceremonies in Karaton (palace) or Royal family ceremonies. Instead of wearing Kebaya, to cover the upper body, a kemben is worn.

Men's Traditional Dresses

  • Jarit or Bebed; Men kain panjang, tightened with stagen.
  • Surjan; Men traditional long sleeved shirt (only for Yogya style) and the material is not batik.
  • Beskap; Instead of wearing surjan, the men wear a coat (beskap of Solo style or Atila of Yogya style), the materials is not batik.
  • Blangkon; It is a headgear made from batik.
    KerisThe dagger is worn at backside of the waist, as a compliment to the dress.


Is a very long jarit to cover the lower body. It is worn only on a very special occasion such as the king coronation by the king himself. The wearing of dodot or kampuhan is very complicated. It may take two hours to wear a dodot with the help of specialist-dressers!


Alam Persada Tours

Warmest regards from Alam Persada Tours...

Amid your busy hours setting your time and career, recreation is another need you cannot neglect. Spending your time to relax and make a tour is the right action for a professional. Alam Persada Tour offers you alternatives at competitive prices and satisfying services. We are supported by reliable teamwork. For further information on Tour Packages (Private Tour, Comparison Study or Work Visit), please contact us. We would happily assist you. Make us your trustful companion...

Alam Persada Tours Handling:

  • Flight / Train Ticket
  • Tour Package: YOGYAKARTA - BALI - LOMBOK - BUNAKEN - BANJARMASIN - BATAM, etc. (Work Visit, Study Tour, Pilgrimage)
  • Adventure Tour (Rafting, Off Road, Merapi Golf)
  • Hotel Voucher
  • Transportation (Kijang, APV, Panther, Pregio, Sedan, Bus, etc.)

Tour Packages of Alam Persada Tours (Domestic Package, IDR):




Price per pax:
2-3 pax : IDR 220,000
4-5 pax : IDR 96,000
6-7 pax : IDR 68,500
8-10 pax : IDR 77,800
11 Up : IDR 51,000


Wellcome to Yogyakarta. Our guide will meet you at Lobby Hotel then explore the beauty of JOGJAKARTA. First Tour, visit the sacred Kraton Jogja ( Yogyakarta palace ) built in 1775 - enjoy to see the making process of Batik & Silver in Kotagedhe, You may go shopping at Pathuk to buy local specific snack such as : Bakpia, Yangko, Geplak, Rempeyek, Dodol, Gudheg Kendhil etc. Afterwards go to east to see Hindhus Temple, Prambanan with Rorojonggrang story. Next proceed to Magelang to visit the glory of Candi Borobudur and Mendhut. Back to Hotel.

Price per pax:
2-3 pax : IDR 345,000
4-5 pax : IDR 215,000
6-7 pax : IDR 170,000

Price Incl:
Private AC Transport
Guide (Inggris, Mandarin, Jepang, Belanda, Prancis)
Entranc Fee

Price Excl:



Wellcome to Jogja. We will pick you at Adisucipto Airport or Tugu train station. Directly visit Prambanan Temple. Then Plaosan and Sewu Temple.

After breakfast, Visit Borobudur Temple - Yogyakarta Palace - Home industry Batik & Silver in Kotagedhe. We will then take you to your point of departure from Yogyakarta: either the Adisucipto airport or the Tugu train station.


We will pick you at Adisucipto Airport or Tugu train station. Then visit Kraton Yogyakarta - Tamansari (Water Castle) - Bird Market / Ngasem - Home industry Silver & batik Kotagedhe. Afterwards go to east to see Hindhus Temple, Prambanan with Rorojonggrang story and Sewu Temple. Evening program to Kasongan - Parangtritis Beach and Malioboro. Chek in Hotel - Free Program.

After breakfast in Hotel, direcly visit Monument Jogja kembali ( MONJALI ) - Borobudur Temple - Mendhut Temple. We will then take you to your point of departure from Yogyakarta: either the Adisucipto airport or the Tugu train station.


Time 08.00: Lobby pick up by our Guide
Time 08.30: Starting program to Kaliurang
Time 09.00: Arrived to kaliurang, Briefing by Guide
: Kaliurang - Kalikuning - Gua Jepang
: kalikuning - Tlogo putri
Time 15.00: Free program in kaliurang
Time 18.00: Back to Hotel.

Time 08.00: We will head to Kotagedhe
Time 09.00: Arrived to Kotagedhe
1.We will take a walk to visit the remnants of ancient 15th century kingdom: Mataram
2.Visit the Great Mosque of Kotagede
3.Visit the home industry silver
Time 17.00: Back to hotel

Time 08.00: We will head to Wisma batik
Time 09.30: Prepare the Materials for Batik
1.Draw the motive in plain cloth
3.Dye the cloth 4.Dried the Batik
Time 18.00: Back to hotel.


Early morning pick up in Train station then breakfast at local restaurant. Visit Kuil SAMPOO KOONG - city tour semarang. Afterwards you may go shopping at the Dekranas Handicraft Shop at Jl. Ki Mangunsarkoro or buy local specific snack such as wingko Babat, Bandeng Presto, Loenpia, etc at Jl Pandanaran. Check in Hotel - free program.

After breakfast - check out hotel. On the way to Jogja, drop by in Museum Kereta api, ambarawa. (It takes 3 hours to go to Yogyakarta). Visit Borobudur Temple, one of seven wonders - Pawon and Mendhut temple. Lunch will be serve at local restaurant. Check in Hotel Mendhut, Yogyakarta. Enjoy evening program to see Ramayana Performence + Dinner at Purawisata. Back to hotel - Free program.

After breakfast, check out hotel, then we will visit KRATON (the Sultan's Palace), Taman Sari water palace, and visit the home industry of Batik and silver at Kotagedhe. Visit Prambanan, a Hindu temple, fomous for its Roro Jongrang legend and the surrounding temples, i.e. Plaosan dan Sewu Temples. Lunch at local restaurant. Afternoon tour to Kaliurang then shopping to malioboro. Dinner at Rest malioboro until time to transfer to Airport Adisucipto.


We will pick you at Adisucipto Airport or Tugu train station to explore the beauty of Jogjakarta, visit Yogyakarta Palace built in 1775 - the great architecture of Tamansari (Water Castle). You can be able to see how the silver accessories & Batiks are made. Enjoy the evening sunset in Parangtritis Beach. Then visit home industry ceramic at Kasongan. Back to hotel for leisure.

First Tour to Borobudur Temple, one of seven wonders world. we will directly leave for Wonosobo Regency to Dieng Plateau. You will see beautiful scenery at 2,000 meters above see level. An ancient site is located on peaceful and quiet upland since the eight century. Volcanic openings secrete boiling sulfur mud that appears in such different places as Kawah Sikidang, Telaga Warna & Telaga Pangilon. Then, we will take you to tea garden where village girls pick up the tea leaves on the west side of Sindoro Mountain. Check in Hotel Kresna at Wonosobo.

Morning tour to Prambanan temple, after that you may go shopping at Malioboro where you can find local specific snack such as Bakpia Pathuk, Geplak, Yangko or Batik painting or printing, silver, DAGADU T'shirt - special design t'shirt which only made in JOGJA, handicraft etc. We will then take you to point of departure from Yogyakarta either Adisucipto airport or Tugu train station.



Our Meeting service with our guide in Airport / Train Station, enjoy the atmosphere of Jogja, visiting Kraton Yogyakarta built in the year 1775, Respecting of architecture of Tamansari, Kotagedhe Tour, where you can see the making process of Batik & silver, and hereinafter continue journey to Pacitan pass Wonosari. Expected arrive at Pacitan evening. Enjoy evening take a bath in warm water of CIPTO HUSODO. Check In Hotel for leisure.

After breakfast, visit Gong Cave, with deepness 256m. This cave is the most beautiful cave in South-East Asia . In that cave there are stalactite, conic chalk rock in roof of the cave, and stalagmite, chalk rock upstanding in base have age hundreds of year. Many among others look like statue in so many made by forms is that stalagmite. Stalaktit also many one and form pillars looking like pillar at building of Gothik Hereinafter go to Tabuhan cave, really Cave that can play music. Putri Cave. Here back have to be prepared because way in of cave only as high as 1,5 metre. Pacitan also have opened cave for just selected circle. All arkeolog can visit Song Terus, cave in the form of alley penetrating hill back. In that cave, is estimated by there are homo ommission of sapiens. All professional adventurers of cave can enjoy brink of vertical cave which is spektakulerl, for example in Luweng Jaran and of Luweng Ombo (If intending there, better prepare oxygen, lighting, string, and equipments of brink of cave other by xself. Hereinafter back to Hotel for leisure.

After breakfast, continuing journey to Yogyakarta pass Solo. Visiting Kraton Mangkunegaran - Antique Market Triwindhu - Temple of Prambanan. We will then take you to point of departure from Yogyakarta either Adisucipto airport or Tugu train station.



Location: Mungkid, Magelang Regency
Starting point: Blondo Village of Magelang Regency (Blabak, Muntilan)
Finish point: Mendhut Village, Mungkid of Magelang Regency (NEXT TO Mendhut Temple)
From Jogja: + 35 km (40 minit)
Rafting time: 09.00 wib (Morning trip) - 14.00 wib (Afternoon Trip)
The length of River: 12 km
Time: 2 - 2,5 Hours
Grade: II - III
Price: IDR 100,000 / Pax (Min 6 Pax)

Elo River flows from Merbabu mountain with single character. So it's safe even in rainy seasons ( become grade III ). It's a short rafting trip. Safe for beginner or children of min 7 years old.


    • Borobudur Temple, 1 km from finish point (5 minutes)
    • Mendhut Temple, 50 meters from finish point


    • Meals 1 times
    • Insurrance
    • Snack & Mineral Water
    • Certificate
    • Rubber Boat and eguipment
    • River guide

Self / Private Equipment:

    • Bath soap
    • cloth
    • medicine
    • Wet Shoes
    • Sunblock

We provide anykinds of YOGYAKARTA CITY TOUR PROGRAM with apropriate Budget and conditions... Yours satisfaction is our garanty!!

Jl. Gondosuli No. 10 Baciro Yogyakarta 55212
Phone: +62 274 546828, +62 274 7826867
Fax: +62 274 546828
Mobile: +62 85643009111, +62 81904074111

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