Jungwok Beach : Beach around Wediombo area

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jungwok beach lies in Wediombo Beach area. Jungwok beach placed in the east of Wediombo beach. Jungwok beach is a natural beach with beautiful scenery. The special scenery is a big stone or coral at the middle of the sea. This stone or coral called “Watu Topi”. “Watu” is stone and “Topi” is hat, so “Watu Topi” means is stone or coral that as shape as hat. This beach also have white sand with shallow beach. There are many species of fish, algae, bird and any others. Jungwok beach still very natural and there are lack of tourist, so you can enjoy your privacy sunbathe. This beach can’t accessed with any vehicle so you can walk from Wediombo beach, but don’t worry about this. Jongwok beach not too far from Wediombo beach. Read more about Jungwok Beach@ www.wediombo.com

"Stone at the middle of the sea"

"Watu Topi"

"Fisherman & conservation forest behind the beach"

"shallow beach"



Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ketela(Dried cassava) is food substitution of rice , first this ketele (Dried cassava) is made by staple food because is difficult of him make a living to buy rice. But now ketela (Dried cassava) seldom wear for the substitution of rice, this ketele besides in using as substitution of rice deflect is also made to become cerimping, bread, so on. Society but often exploiting its to be made to become "

"Thiwul" this is food very faforit in Gunungkidul even foreign turist take a fancy to its. this is Ketela(Dried cassava) very easy to got in all area even all provinsi yield ketela(Dried cassava). This Ketela also very easy in planting to be processed to to become substitution of rice. To become substitution of rice many process which must its pare its husk until clean.After paring ketela (Dried cassava)is putting to the sun more or less 2 week. After put to the sun dried cassava or ketela is boxing until smooth.After really smooth ketela is steaming more or less 20 minutes.After 20 dried cassava or minutes,Ketela then become " thiwul" or substitution of this rice.Ketela also deflect to be made " Kripik" by flimsy crosscut ketala form crosscut circle.After hereinafter ketela is entered in frying until your matured.If taking a fancy to just him it of dating to district grill to see the way of making " Thiwul".

Cultural Performances and Rituals

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sekaten Ceremony

The procession of Sekaten Ceremony begins with a parade of royal servants bringing the two sets of royal gamelan named Kyai Gunturmadu and Kyai Nogowilogo to the Grand Mosque (Masjid Agung). The Gamelan are played simultaneously for seven days.

Labuhan is an offering ceremony of the sultan of Yogyakarta presented and brought to mount Merapi and Parangkusumo Beach. The offerings includes affod and privates goods of sultan are trown into Indian Ocean.

Tumplak Wajik Ceremony
Tumplak wajik is a ceremony of wajik making (Wajik, a traditional food mode of sticky rice and palm sugar) in the course of preparing Gunungan for the Garebeg ceremony.

Siraman Pusaka Ceremony
Siraman pusaka is a ceremony held to clean and purifty the ancient heirlooms such as royal coach, keris (dagger) and lances. This ceremony is sacredly held on the suro month of Javanese calendar.

Tapa Bisu
Tapa bisu is an ascetism ritual by walking around the palace fortress. People walking without speaking, this tradition is held to celebrate Javanese Nyew Year Eve. On the 1st of Suro month.

Ruwatan is a sacred ceremony for the purpose of warding off misfortune especially for the sucreta (the single child, five children all boys, borned at midday, etc). Betara Kala is the sepicially story of leather puppets show perform in this event.

This is tradition to walk with blindholer between two central Banyan tree at the South square (Alun-alun Selatan). There is a belief that ones who could do this, they will grant what they have been wishing.

Garebeg is a traditional ceremony held by yogyakarta palace reflecting the sultan charity for the people. Garebeg ceremony is annually held on tree different times every year. Garebeg maulud is held on the third month of Javanese calendar commemorating the birth of Muhammad the prophet. Garebeg syawal is held on the Muslem holy day of Idul Fitri. Garebeg Besar is held on the Moslem sacrifice day of Idul Qurban.

And much more .....


Berkeliling Desa Wisata Pentingsari

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Keberadaan desa wisata, makin ke sini makin diunggulkan untuk mengangkat potensi pariwisata Jogja. Terutama di wilayah Sleman. Warga bahu-membahu dengan pemerintah untuk menyukseskan program ini.

Dari banyaknya desa wisata yang bertebaran di kawasan Sleman, salah satunya adalah Dusun Pentingsari, yang masih bisa dibilang muda namun berhasil melengkapi sarana dan prasarananya dengan cepat.

Terletak di Kelurahan Umbulharjo, Kecamatan Cangkringan, Kabupaten Sleman, warga dan pengelola dusun ini memang amat antusias untuk dapat menjadi salah satu desa wisata yang menarik. Alamnya yang asri dan penduduknya yang ramah menjadi aset utama mereka. Ini semua dilengkapi dengan berbagai muatan historis dan budaya yang melatar belakangi keberadaan desa ini.

Untuk itu, warga dan pengelola desa telah mulai menggarap kegiatan-kegiatan potensial di desa mereka. Sebut saja trekking di antara hamparan tanaman padi, melewati perkebunan salak, menyusuri sungai yang jernih, hingga menelusuri goa di ujung desa.

Tak hanya itu, Dusun Pentingsari juga memiliki obyek-obyek lain yang kental dengan nuansa mistis. Seperti Pancuran Sendangsari, Batu Dakon, Batu Persembahan dan Watu Gajah.

Kaitan erat antara Pangeran Diponegoro semasa masa perjuangan dengan desa ini pun menyisakan obyek-obyek sejarah yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Salah satunya adalah luweng yang digunakan Pangeran Diponegoro dan prajuritnya sebagai dapur umum.

Di ujung lain desa, pemancingan seluas satu hektar disediakan untuk memenuhi keinginan para pengunjung yang hobby memancing. Kolam pemancingan juga dapat berfungsi sebagai tempat bersantai bersama dengan teman, keluarga, atau bahkan kolega.

Dengan persiapan yang cukup matang, dalam waktu yang singkat, desa ini memang telah menunjukkan keberadaannya. Suasana yang asri dan tenang dapat menjadi alternatif saat bosan dengan kepenatan kota. (sumber trulyjogja.com)

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